An Inconvenient Truth
(87 posts, started )
An Inconvenient Truth
The following may be informative - especially for all of you with warm fuzz's from that magnificent effort to reduce Rock Stars carbon footprint

Oldest DNA ever recovered shows warmer planet: report

Scientists who probed two kilometers (1.2 miles) through a Greenland glacier to recover the oldest plant DNA on record said Thursday the planet was far warmer hundreds of thousands of years ago than is generally believed. DNA of trees, plants and insects including butterflies and spiders from beneath the southern Greenland glacier was estimated to date to 450,000 to 900,000 years ago, according to the remnants retrieved from this long-vanished boreal forest.
That contrasts sharply with the prevailing view that a lush forest of this kind could only have existed in Greenland as recently as 2.4 million years ago, according to a summary of the study, which is published Thursday in the journal Science.
The samples suggest the temperature probably reached 10 degrees C (50 degrees Fahrenheit) in the summer and -17 C (1 F) in the winter.
They also indicated that during the last period between ice ages, 116,000-130,000 years ago, when temperatures were on average 5 C (9 F) higher than now, the glaciers on Greenland did not completely melt away.
"These findings allow us to make a more accurate environmental reconstruction of the time period from which these samples were taken," said Martin Sharp, a glaciologist at the University of Alberta, Canada, and a co-author of the paper.

"What we've learned is that this part of the world was significantly warmer than most people thought."
In a separate paper, also published in Science, European experts said they had analysed the world's deepest ice core, enabling them to reconstruct patterns of warming and glaciation over the past 800,000 years.
The 3,260-metre (10,595-feet) core was drilled into the East Antarctica icesheet at the Franco-Italian base, Dome C. The drillers, gathered in a venture called the European Project for Ice Coring in Antarctica (EPICA) stopped just 15 metres (48.75 feet) short of the bedrock.
Using traces of the hydrogen isotope deuterium in air bubbles trapped in the ice layers, the scientists built a record of greenhouse-gas concentrations over the aeons, which in turn provides a record of temperature.
They found the temperature varied widely, by as much as 15 C (27 F) over the 800,000 years. In the last Ice Age, which ended around 11,000 years ago, the temperature was 10 C (18 F) lower than today.
The EPICA team had previously analysed the Dome C core to a depth equivalent to 650,000 years ago.
I never got the idea of people speaking of billions of years ago when its only 2007 when and why did year one start always clouds my mind when ever I read such posts :P
Because the system we use was created by the church.
did you know that there is one single species on Earth with uses 25% of global assets.
Damn those Giant Pandas. You'd think they'd learn, but no, they continue to squander everything.
Quote from Funnybear :did you know that there is one single species on Earth with uses 25% of global assets.

Only 25%,

Damn it guys lets get more efficient, and we can easily get it to 40%
#7 - DeKo
I subscribe to the view that the earth goes between ice ages and global warming every few thousand years, and that humans do absolutely jack shit to change this. Arguments saying that leaving my ****ing tap on when im brushing my teeth actually makes a difference are just complete bollocks.
Quote from DeKo :I subscribe to the view that the earth goes between ice ages and global warming every few thousand years, and that humans do absolutely jack shit to change this. Arguments saying that leaving my ****ing tap on when im brushing my teeth actually makes a difference are just complete bollocks.

Quote from DeKo :I subscribe to the view that the earth goes between ice ages and global warming every few thousand years, and that humans do absolutely jack shit to change this. Arguments saying that leaving my ****ing tap on when im brushing my teeth actually makes a difference are just complete bollocks.

Quote from Doorman :+1

Quote from DeKo :I subscribe to the view that the earth goes between ice ages and global warming every few thousand years, and that humans do absolutely jack shit to change this. Arguments saying that leaving my ****ing tap on when im brushing my teeth actually makes a difference are just complete bollocks.

Quote from P5YcHoM4N :Damn those Giant Pandas. You'd think they'd learn, but no, they continue to squander everything.

Quote from DeKo :I subscribe to the view that the earth goes between ice ages and global warming every few thousand years, and that humans do absolutely jack shit to change this. Arguments saying that leaving my ****ing tap on when im brushing my teeth actually makes a difference are just complete bollocks.

I have been saying that for years, then my first year of uni we had to do some research on Global Warming and I found loads of information which backed it up, one of which being something around 98% of all greenhouse gasses are naturally made, and of the percentage left only 2% of it is CO2.

Then there was a show on TV which pretty much just repeated everything I said, it was as though they took my report and put it on TV or some such. The only reason people are pushing the whole global warming is because the truth is we're running out of oil and natural gasses so we need to start saving them. The oil fields here only have a few years left in them.
#17 - Gunn
Quote from DeKo :rguments saying that leaving my ****ing tap on when im brushing my teeth actually makes a difference are just complete bollocks.

If you lived in my city you wouldn't think it was bollocks.
Sod Global warming, it's the breakdown of the earths magnetic field and the inevitable pole swap that I'm really filling my kegs over . ..
Niko that post was about as mature as an aborted fetus
#20 - SamH
A university here in the UK has spent a million quid (US$2M) researching how to stop cows farting. Fact. Why? Global warming. A cow emits more gases that contribute to global warming per day than a frequently driven SUV, according to their research, and now they're looking for ways to feed cows with non-gas-producing grass! GRASS, FFS!!!

This tells me everything I need to know about the current global warming frenzy. It's ALL a con. There is NOTHING UNNATURAL about global warming. It happens. It IS happening. It happened before and it's going to happen again, and the ONLY way we'd be able to stop it (IF we even COULD) would be to do some SERIOUSLY UNNATURAL THINGS!! Methane-free grass for cows to eat!? WTF!?

What really sticks in my throat is that the research is being funded by tax payers. Almost ALL GW research is , and the end result will be higher taxes. That's WHY governments are investing in the research.. because they want another damn reason to tax us.

I'm now FIRMLY of the opinion that scientists have created a mythical drought and they're now selling themselves as "rainmakers". It's not like they haven't done it before! They've done it throughout history! They're spinning a credible-sounding story to tell to the non-scientific crowd, but not one iota of it is based in demonstrable fact.. and we're required to eat it up.

When the scientists get caught in this lie, a whole bunch of people are going to go turning their backs on science and heading back to religion. And THAT's when things will go REALLY bad.
how many cows on the planet is 'natural' Sam?
uh sam ... any other conspiracy theories you have a subscription on ?
Quote from SamH :I'm now FIRMLY of the opinion that scientists have created a mythical drought and they're now selling themselves as "rainmakers". It's not like they haven't done it before! They've done it throughout history! They're spinning a credible-sounding story to tell to the non-scientific crowd, but not one iota of it is based in demonstrable fact.. and we're required to eat it up.

Actually it is mostly celebrities who push the whole global warming bull crap. Scientists have started a campaign to debunk all celebrities who spout out bullshit because it is pushing people away from science. Many scientists have said that global warming is bullshit, and those who said it is happening have said it is mostly caused by natural sources, but governments, the media, and in turn celebrities who are banging on about humans being behind because the governments want to protect natural resources, and the media and celebrities are just spout out any old bullshit because it is fashionable to care about the planet.

Save The Planet - Screw the planet it, it has been here for billions of years before us, and will be here billions of years after us. Save The Humans is that the campaign is really about.
Human actions don't matter? Ffs, try to think with reason. So what if nature causes more greenhouse gasses than us. More the reason to not add excessively into it. Besides, if cows produce more greenhouse gasses, then wouldn't it be reasonable to get rid of them?


People "need" meat and milk from cows. Cows need pasture and food. Most of worlds crop production goes into growing meat. In order to get room for pasture and fields, forests must be cut down. Forests however are quite essential in dealing with greenhouse gasses. More cows -> less forests -> less resources to cope with co2.


Think about natural resources. Producing warm water takes resources. Electricity is quite essential, and so is the powerline network that transfers it. Electricity doesn't come cheap. Most of worlds energy is produced using mineral-based resources, oil, coal and uranium for example. What then when we run out of them? No oil to maintain the networks, no uranium to produce more electricity. Industry uses huge loads of more energy than "common people", but what stops us to try and change the fact? Companies have no choice is enough people force them to. How much energy goes to waste simply by leaving all the lights on in a factory or in a superstore 24/7. How much energy goes to waste when everybody always picks a new plastic bag when shopping instead of reusing.


Think about pollution. Producing energy causes vast amount of very damaging pollution. Sure, we can dig holes and sink the waste into those, but what happens when we run out of solid ground to dig on? What happens when those barrels corrode and start to leak into natural water resources? Factories produce huge amount of waste. Consuming more creates a demand. Demand creates more factories and production, which again creates more pollution.

Cars pollute. You can't deny that. Using car to travel to work every day, using car every second day (yeah, right, more likely every day too) to go shopping, using car at weekends to go boozing and generally driving around. You only waste your hard earned money to gasoline and also create enough emission to spoil another fine day.

If you think global warming is a hoax, then fine. Just don't deny the problems with running out of resources. Don't deny the problems with pollution.

May our rivers run clean once again. Someday, somewhere.

Yeah, right.
Quote from Julppu :Besides, if cows produce more greenhouse gasses, then wouldn't it be reasonable to get rid of them?

I do my part, I eat the damn cows.

As for the rest of that babel, how much of what you are using right now to type that wouldn't exist without all those pollution. Internet, Computers, Monitors (which we only have thanks to war), clothing, shoes, food, electric, clean drinking water, light bulbs, housing, furniture, should I go on. If you care so much stop using the items gained from it all, otherwise you're just a hypocrite.

An Inconvenient Truth
(87 posts, started )