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Poll : How Should We Qualify?

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30 minutes FREE - FOR - ALL Qualifying
Single Lap Qualifying, 1 Chance, 1 Lap each.
Difficult race for me in the RB4. I was still in the garage when the race started, so I joined 22th on the grid instead of the 14th I should have been. I had a great start and first few laps, and by the end of lap 4 I was up to P8. But I must have been attacking too much, because by lap 10 my front tyres were red hot and I had a huge understeer that put me completely off the pace.

I made my pit stop on lap 21 and didn't change the tyres. I should have, because I got a puncture at the left front around lap 40. Thankfully it was in the right hander before the pit stop entry, but unfortunately my pit crew wasn't ready and it cost me a lot of time. And to make things worse, I broke the speed limit when exiting the pitlane and was rewarded with a drive through penalty. So finishing 15th, two laps down, was the best I could do.

It was still a very enjoyable race. Thanks to everybody and particularly to ATC!
Quote from mkinnov8 :For analysis while awaiting those special ATC results we are used to... mean those special imaginary ATC results?
Quote from garph mean those special imaginary ATC results?

I like those special imaginary ATC results - I always win.
Yeh those produced by long-time-atc-wannabe member, you know, franky's partner...
Quote from mkinnov8 :Yeh those produced by long-time-atc-wannabe member, you know, franky's partner... already made some results!

Been there and done that! just like you.
I hope you're all aware that he'll just use you and throw you away like the rest.
Quote from Theafro :I hope you're all aware that he'll just use you and throw you away like the rest.

the throwing away bit is a lie
he will place you on his shelf like the rest of his bitches
I thought it was more of a dungeon, It's hard to tell in a gimp suit.
Dadge, couldn't help notice you quoting me (or pretending to quote me) in your sig there. Making up shit is the way you try to get on people's nerves, is it?

come on 'ole boy, lead me to the post where I said that
Quote from Leprekaun :Dadge, couldn't help notice you quoting me (or pretending to quote me) in your sig there. Making up shit is the way you try to get on people's nerves, is it?

come on 'ole boy, lead me to the post where I said that

He wasn't making it up, it was all there for the whole word to see. Sadly you don't seem to accept to truth of it, particulary when its about yourself, and yet to stalk our team members whenever they go. Clearly you do hold a grudge big time.
Quote from BigDave2967 :He wasn't making it up, it was all there for the whole word to see. Sadly you don't seem to accept to truth of it, particulary when its about yourself, and yet to stalk our team members whenever they go. Clearly you do hold a grudge big time.

Proof first, discussion second. I was just seeing how childish gag would get when I kept jumping around the LX Compo servers whilst he kept running away, clearly immaturo.
**winds of defusion blow in**

Can we leave it there please chaps..

Perhaps immature, but perhaps just a game also. Let's all take a giant step back please. Now, I enjoy visiting these forums. Things have been a lot better lately. My ignore list is going to get very long if proceedings like this continue.

Not every thread can turn into this one.. Advice below..

Cut contact completly. To all parties. Please. This has to stop, now. I love and respect you all, but guys, your making me ill, I dont want to start the process of loosing friends all over again over this.

Stoney out.
Quote from Leprekaun :Dadge, couldn't help notice you quoting me (or pretending to quote me) in your sig there. Making up shit is the way you try to get on people's nerves, is it?

come on 'ole boy, lead me to the post where I said that

i had to take you off my ignore list to see this. i am not pretending to quote you, i am quoting you. i see you have removed it. and for you to say that you didn't will just confirm how much of a virmin you are. ok, now back to my ignore list where you belong liar.
Quote from Leprekaun :Proof first, discussion second. I was just seeing how childish gag would get when I kept jumping around the LX Compo servers whilst he kept running away, clearly immaturo.

nice of you to admit your immatue lep. maybe you'll stop stalking ATC and go and annoy people who actually car what you have to say. don't you have a 6 man league to win? you also removed the proof. and i have it in my sig. now go an discuss that with someone who gives a funk
oh aye, and that thing you were talking about, what was it again? ah yes you need proof that you said what i have in my signiture. you will learn a valuable lesson here lep.
when you modify a post to make someone look like a liar, make sure you modify EVERYTHING including posts you make when you quote yourself. i took a pic of this a few days ago and thought that i'll just keep it for future "proof"
so, are you gonna (how do you put it?) man up? and admit that your a liar or are you going to let everyone just sit here and laugh at you? either way i will still be laughing. maybe we should ask fang if he saw this too. what do you think?
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Quote from Leprekaun :Proof first, discussion second. I was just seeing how childish gag would get when I kept jumping around the LX Compo servers whilst he kept running away, clearly immaturo.

Lep I moved because I don't want to be in a server with you (and the LX servers mean I don't have to, I can go somewhere else and do the same thing) I don't like the reaction that I give you, I don't like being horrible or mean to you so I removed myself from that situation and any possibility of negativity. Like you wanted in the ATC forum post.

There was no reason for you to follow me around, I haven't said anything to you in posts, I haven't stirred up any trouble and I don't want to, the only reason you followed me was to provoke and annoy me in to something that I don't want to waste my time on.

You followed me 6 times, I'd appreciate it if you wouldn't do it again. I wasn't the immature one, I was trying to be mature, you were the one following me around to just annoy me on purpose, please don't do it again.
Bravo dadge! really, I give you credit on how fast you made that edit, well done. I had a go myself, not bad I guess.
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Quote from Leprekaun :come on 'ole boy, lead me to the post where I said that

Quote from dadge :oh aye, and that thing you were talking about, what was it again? ah yes you need proof that you said what i have in my signiture. you will learn a valuable lesson here lep.

Game, set and match!

FTR, that is no edit. I saw that post by lep (dadge's sig) myself in the complaints thread. *butts out now*
Quote from garph :Lep I moved because I don't want to be in a server with you (and the LX servers mean I don't have to, I can go somewhere else and do the same thing) I don't like the reaction that I give you, I don't like being horrible or mean to you so I removed myself from that situation and any possibility of negativity. Like you wanted in the ATC forum post.

There was no reason for you to follow me around, I haven't said anything to you in posts, I haven't stirred up any trouble and I don't want to, the only reason you followed me was to provoke and annoy me in to something that I don't want to waste my time on.

You followed me 6 times, I'd appreciate it if you wouldn't do it again. I wasn't the immature one, I was trying to be mature, you were the one following me around to just annoy me on purpose, please don't do it again.

Fair enough gag, I apologise for calling you immature, wasn't right . Gag, I'm glad you see my view on this but just apparently, people like dadge here don't seem to like to let things go.

@Dadge: Remember, you're the provoker here, not me, I wasn't the one who quoted you in my sig, you're the one who opened up this can of worms and if you wish to keep at it, you're very welcome.
it took you an hour and 20 mins to do that lep? i'll tell you what, we both know your lying through your crooked teeth. so your not gonna "man up"? you forgot to put in your pic that i quoted myself. you know that your screwed lep. i have proof that you are but i will not use it because your so warped that you actually believe that you didn't post that. you do realise that we are not the only people who saw that "caution" post? you realise that we are not the only people who post in these forums?
you know i could just go to fang and ask him if he saw it?
i can put what ever i want in my signiture as long as it's true.
can you? you've had a lie in your sig for months, so it's no point in you answering that one is there? you lie liars burn. do you think your gonna burn? i do.

thanks th84, pint owed m8. now go crawl back under that rock lep.

one last thing b4 i put you back on my ignore list again
Alright, thats it dadge. Prepare for ultime exposure!. Lets see how your team mates like you leaking information to me about the team, eh?. I won't post anything yet, this is your final warning, ball in your court
no no no lep, balls still in your court. you have just prooven the lengths you will go to to proove your right. even when your wrong. do you think they will believe you?
did anyone see the boy who cried wolf? it's a good story.
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