The online racing simulator
Track prediction/suggestion ?
(13 posts, started )
Track prediction/suggestion ?

I dont want to copy that here because I dont know if I can post the same thread anywhere.

I had a dream and that is the track i suggest ? It was only a dream so dont kill me please

I am bad drawer. Sorry about that. Maybe it is better in Photoshop.
I like it. A bit of every element. Transitions, increasing/decreasing radius, constant load, 90's, hairpins.
It doesnt exist. Can you remember if it was flat or had elevation changes?
From that elevation image, it looks to me like the track is on what is called a step-mountain, it goes uphill at the bottom of your picture, it is level in the center, and it falls downwards on the top of your picture.

There is our mountain course? Maybe?
It is not so high
Could be, I hope you don't mind okijuhans, but I decided to give 3dsmax a go on my laptop, and used your drawing to design the track and give it some altitude and declensions, I'm uploading the video at the moment and I will provide a link when it is done. Attached is the design of the 3d model, it is smoothed out in some places, and modified in a few more places to make a little more sense driving wise.

(some places look distorted, that is just the angle they are at, something was acting up, just wait for video to really see the course)
That isn't a very good representation since it looks like it gets really skinny in some places, that is not so, it is the same width all the way through out.

Sorry about the speed of the video, I didn't want to have it render any longer (took about half an hour to render and it just flies by and don't want to mess with it again).

Just to give you an idea of height differences, the circle at the bottom right of image is only half the height of the highest point which is at bottom left of image.

Here is the video.
Attached images
Wow thanks for modding that :P That track should be awesome. HOpe that Scawen and others see that.
Well since Eric does the tracks and he rarely goes on the Forums, we need another Dev to tell Eric about this.
Maybe it has even some modifications : rallycross ?
While i think it could use a couple adaptations to better support running the course forward and backward i think it wouldbe pretty cool to have an entirely community developed course
Thank you for your ideas.

Track prediction/suggestion ?
(13 posts, started )