The online racing simulator
Quote from GrantR :
Which does actually lead into an interesting discussion: with an near infinite number of attempts allowed it almost isn't "autocross" any more. At real events everyone has as limited fixed number of attempts to get through the course, so the challenge isn't so much who is the fastest driver, but rather, who is the quickest to be the fastest. In US national level events people only get 3 attempts on a course. Imagine if you only had 3 shots at this course don't hit any cones! analyse the crap out of the course before taking a run! etc.

That would be fun to try, have an autocross server where the script only lets you get, say, 10 attempts, and has the save layout button disabled to prevent offline practice.

That would be interesting.
That would be just awesome

EDIT : But no one will do the layout in the first day, good drivers will just spec to learn the layout perfectly :P
Quote from GrantR :That would be fun to try, have an autocross server where the script only lets you get, say, 10 attempts, and has the save layout button disabled to prevent offline practice.

This is exactly what I was thinking yesterday after finishing my LX auto crossing. Right now we have hotlappers competition rather than usual auto crossing.

My next idea is to have a string of servers with different layout on each server, plus inSim app that would be able to control few servers.
Driver will have to participate on every server, and application should take care of allowing to have for example max 5 round on first layout, then connect to the second server with next layout and let to drive another 5 rounds, etc.
The summary of best times on all servers will give the standings.

But the main thing which is needed for that type of events is to allow host to disable downloading the layout.
has anyone gotten a good time using right-foot braking? it seems impossible. I'm a right foot braker and i switched to left foot and i got way faster (but im hitting cones cause im not used to the controls like that)
Quote from Bawbag :Shift J joins for you unless you didn't know, but it wouldn't surprise me because some Scots really are lazy b...'s.

Yeah thats what i usually use, but im a lazy shite so i cant be arsed reaching over my wheel to my keyboard.
Is rolling before start allowed. I can i do it and it's not false start.
I don't want to get banned for it so i'm asking admins of event.
Check replay.

Starting like this saves only 0:00.05
Attached files
rolling.spr - 5.3 KB - 269 views
Quote from GrantR :
That would be fun to try, have an autocross server where the script only lets you get, say, 10 attempts, and has the save layout button disabled to prevent offline practice.

Indeed Grant, that sounds like a nice idea.

Quote from drinklime :has anyone gotten a good time using right-foot braking? it seems impossible. I'm a right foot braker and i switched to left foot and i got way faster (but im hitting cones cause im not used to the controls like that)

I'm right foot braking, just use to it. I guess.
i dont think that limited attempts would be good because it's week show not 1 day! It would be boring to have 10 attempts in 7 day...
LX month practice ??
how can I download the layout for practice
Shift + U and in the right corner (down). You can find save button.
Another rip of my Flamed LX on the skinning comp

Why can´t I try it?
Attached images
Because you don't have "Join2lfs" installed.

Or you could just go into Multiplayer and look for the "LX Month" hosts.........
Quote from NitroNitrous :Why can´t I try it?

You need Join2LFS to use the Join link... of course you can always join the server by looking for it in the server list, in-game.
Well, Ray, would there be any chance you could post up an SPR in HL mode in particular where you get those 1:09s . I'd like to get really technical with the what I'm doing wrong so I will be using F1PerfView and AnalyzeForSpeed. Thanks . Btw, thank you for the setup, I'm sure it has tons of potential and you've proved that really but I just don't like the understeer in it, the car doesn't bite in for me but like I always say, its not the set thats bad, its the driving style thats different . Hannu's set for example pulls into the apex nice and easily (for me anyway ) and I can generally drive it really well but perhaps if you could post a lap of yours, I can further analyse how I can maximise YOUR setup .
Thanks guys, I didn´t know about Join2lfs.... any other link to download it? The link posted by Traxxion doesn´t seem to work. I will search them in the server list if not possible

Edit: I found it. Thank you and thanks to Google
Just finished my entry for the skin competition, might go give it a spin to see what this autoX layout is like, although I suck at autocross so I probably won't even get in the top 1000
wel a good time to make my first public skin release i think
hope you like it
Quote from teaz-R :Another rip of my Flamed LX on the skinning comp


And again.. Same guy with the same skin.
Well, the program works good but I receive this message now
Attached images
LFS 2007-07-13 00-10-51-48.jpg
Quote from NitroNitrous :Well, the program works good but I receive this message now

It looks like you're running an older version of LFS. What version do you have?
I´m running LFS S2 0.5 X10

Edit: I suddenly can. By the way, it´s very difficult to me to understand the track, I always lose myself searching the right way :Eyecrazy:
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