Lets introduce the F1Challenge!
Liveforspeed.at starts on the 30. September 2007 a F1 league.
We want to provide every BF1 driver in LiveForSpeed a chance to compete on the highest level under ideal race conditions.
We do not want to be a competition for other leages, we simple want a league where only the BF1 is driven.
Our motivation is to race in a league where only the BF1 is driven, and the OWRL is the only league where this is the case.
But the races there are on saturday and according to our experience most of the drivers do not have time on saturday.
The F1Challenge is hosted on liveforspeed.at that is also the home of the Austrian LiveForSpeed Championship, that was started
nearly two years ago and we have done also two seasons until now. We have created the F1Challenge rules based on the rules
that we used for the Austrian LiveForSpeed Championship. To test this rules two test races will be done at the end of July and end of August.
The tracks at the test races will be also driven in the F1Challenge season.
If necessary the rules will be altered or enhanced if needed.
The test races will on:
Kyoto National Reverse
South City Long
A special pre qualification is performed, to ensure that drivers with the same skill will race same server. Details of this qualification
can be found in the rules.
At this point besides the rules also the schedule is ready, but the number of laps for the races has to be determined. This is done with tests,
so that exciting races with differed strategies can be expected.
The announcement for the first test race, the rules and schedule can be found on http://f1c.liveforspeed.at
We look forward to see you at the races!
Brilwing, Schneefee, X-Zak