The online racing simulator
Bespoke presets
(338 posts, started )
nice mate but with a little change they could look like watanabe rims like on the AE86's! have a look for an image on the net an give them ago should'nt be too hard!
and another style...its a multispoke style rim not really based on any perticular kind i just made them as i went along imo they are quite good, would look good in bronze spokes with silver lip! and again if someone could post a screenie for others would be great!
thanks sean
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my design spoked - 395 B - 433 views
Here´s the screenie...
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Apart from the calipers in the way thats excellent.
that looks good but how do i fix the caliper problem?
Quote from seany_boi_civic :that looks good but how do i fix the caliper problem?

set the spokes for forward.

use the X axis to bring them forward
they need to go out a bit more. it's a shame we cant have deep dish yet.
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Quote from Stew2000 :they need to go out a bit more. it's a shame we cant have deep dish yet.

You get deep dish when you make your wheels wider with tweak.
dude! u got an future in rim making! i havent tried the new ones yet, waiting for my wheel
lol thanks mate
could some one be really kind and do me a screenie of a white XRT turbo with carbon bonnet and my white TE37's and sean somewhere on it so i could use it as my sig on here? i would appreciate it very much! feel free to put this sig by ....ur name.
muchos thanks sean
Quote from seany_boi_civic :could some one be really kind and do me a screenie of a white XRT turbo with carbon bonnet and my white TE37's and sean somewhere on it so i could use it as my sig on here? i would appreciate it very much! feel free to put this sig by ....ur name.
muchos thanks sean

the forum cant hav pics as sigs.
ooooooo how boring lol no worries thanks anyway!

btw have you tested weather the latest one of the spoke rims touch the calipers?
No one here will give you anything unless we recognize that you have a valid S2 license, otherwise no one is willing to waste their time on something someone can't use.
That would be just fine if you can do that.
winter/beater rims. Had done it in the evening. Hope you like it. For XRT.

Attached files
XRT - winter rims.rar - 369 B - 670 views
will bespoke rims show in online mode with other people'will they be able to see them'?
Quote from Dudles :winter/beater rims. Had done it in the evening. Hope you like it. For XRT.

those look amazing
Quote from Stew2000 :those look amazing

thanks... gonna try to improove it... I saw in the street that these beater rims have 16 holes... mine don't... and i'll try to pu the holes mor in the edge... they're too centered...
Guys a small question:when i try to export a rim so i can use it in game it gives me a message cannot validate LFS licence!What i am doing wrong?

Bespoke presets
(338 posts, started )