The online racing simulator
Tweak for all cars in LFS?
(32 posts, closed, started )
Tweak for all cars in LFS?
Is there a tweak I can use in LFS that can modify all LFS cars?
Is there a tweak for newer patche's than Q then?
Quote from LFS Drifter :Yes, but you cant have them. Neither car i. So theres your problem.

Why? I just find tweak for patch Q
Because you must have a license (either S1 or S2) to use LFSTweak.
Quote from XCNuse :Because you must have a license (either S1 or S2) to use LFSTweak.

I use my friends license. But where can i get the tweak then?!
Look in the unofficial addons forum?
You cannot share licenses, it is against the EULA (end users license agreement), he could possibly lose his license by sharing it with someone.
Quote from BuLLeT[LFS] :Haha, i don`t have license, i unlocked the lfs with crack! ^^ so... i can do anything i want and don`t have no problems, tweak? - it`s great i tell u for real... so, moderator, don`t give peace of shit to noobs ^^

Bye bye.
Quote from XCNuse :Because you must have a license (either S1 or S2) to use LFSTweak.

I have one question, when did this become 'THE RULE' - Why can't I release my potential tool to the demo public?

Not that I have intentions to, but each time I read that statement it just spurs me on a little more to actually put time and effort into releasing a proper tool for demo users.

Since redrum released his old tweak and added some cheap license protection in, it seems everyone needs to now have an S2 license to use these types of tweaks/tools.

So is this a RULE? Must I abide by it? Will my license be nulled if I release a tweak to the demo user group?

Edit: - I just answered it for myself, seems there is no rule just some type of community enforced thing.
I dont think its a rule, the programmer who made the tweak for S2 V just wanted it to be like that...
Quote from BuLLeT[LFS] :Haha, i don`t have license, i unlocked the lfs with crack! ^^ so... i can do anything i want and don`t have no problems, tweak? - it`s great i tell u for real... so, moderator, don`t give peace of shit to noobs ^^

Some people are just so stupid these days. Well, if i could use IMG tags here, i would post my giant 512x200 ish burning banana. But you are already not welcome, so, what is the point.

Just look at it this way, if i could, i would come and take £24 from you, and give it to the devs. It is money that they deserve, and anyone who abuses it by creating hacks should be burned like the bananas. Its not harsh, its the truth.
I may be wrong, I was under the impression that the physcis settings for demo users are somehow encrypted now. If demo users can tweak the game to create any car physics it removes much of the need to buy the real game and, you know, give the people who made it some money so they can pay their rent and eat (edit: not to mention pay for all the competition servers and for LFSWorld, but then you demo users wouldn't know about those ). Otherwise you're no better than the guy above who was smart enough to admit he stole the game on its official forum...
Quote from Rooble :I have one question, when did this become 'THE RULE' - Why can't I release my potential tool to the demo public?


So is this a RULE? Must I abide by it? Will my license be nulled if I release a tweak to the demo user group?

In order to release a mod on these forums (not a little external tool like most of what gets posted in the unofficial add-ons), you must seek authorisation from the forum moderators. The devs don't have time to look over mods, so have left the responsibility with us. In the case of LFS tweak, we didn't like the idea that it gave potentially unlimited new vehicles to anyone, so it removed a large part of the incentive to demo users to purchase a license. We asked redrum to add license checking so it would only work for licensed users. He complied, added the feature, and after some testing, we were willing to have it posted here. BeSpoke was less necessary but the programs author decided to add it anyway.

Of course you can make whatever you want and release it away from these forums, but if it weren't allowable here you'd be going against the devs wishes. That may or may not particularly concern you, it's all down to respect. Kegetys could release his other works on his website and there's nothing we can do, but he has been asked not to and he has agreed. We wouldn't ban your account (forum or otherwise) just for that but would remove the content if posted here, and any references to it.

I think that covers everything.
Quote from Bob Smith :In order to release a mod on these forums (not a little external tool like most of what gets posted in the unofficial add-ons), you must seek authorisation from the forum moderators. The devs don't have time to look over mods, so have left the responsibility with us. In the case of LFS tweak, we didn't like the idea that it gave potentially unlimited new vehicles to anyone, so it removed a large part of the incentive to demo users to purchase a license. We asked redrum to add license checking so it would only work for licensed users. He complied, added the feature, and after some testing, we were willing to have it posted here. BeSpoke was less necessary but the programs author decided to add it anyway.

Of course you can make whatever you want and release it away from these forums, but if it weren't allowable here you'd be going against the devs wishes. That may or may not particularly concern you, it's all down to respect. Kegetys could release his other works on his website and there's nothing we can do, but he has been asked not to and he has agreed. We wouldn't ban your account (forum or otherwise) just for that but would remove the content if posted here, and any references to it.

I think that covers everything.

See this is where I'm just a little bit confused, I had always assumed a moderators duty was to moderate forums, basically keep the place in check and keep it tidy. Now you're saying you decide whats goes and what doesn't on the grounds that the devs are just too busy. So what is your position in the community, because it seems your 'power' extends a little further then the forum.

My question above is nulled if the devs actually instructed you to remove any tweak that allows demo users to modify car settings, but I haven't read anything on the matter so you can see why I'm just a little bit puzzled. Finally you say it takes away part of the incentive for the demo users to buy S2 as it gave potentially unlimited new vehicles to anyone, but that isn't the case really as you still drive the XRT/XRG/XFG just with more or less power.

And shouldn't the incentive be 'oh i like this game - even the community is fun' and not 'you cant have XYZ until you've payed with your SOUL'. Everyone was always ranting on at how we mistreat demo users because they don't have a license, this is no different. In some respect I can see why Phlos did all the stuff he did do, although I don't agree with it fully.

K bye.
We do moderate the forums, and in the line of that duty of moderation comes programs which edit the way LFS functions, depending on the amount of editing the program does, determines the possibility of allowing it into LFS. If a program changes one thing, and we aren't sure and discuss it ourselves and still aren't sure, of course the devs step in and provide us with feedback as to whether or not the program should be allowed or not.
And just so you know, if a program slips through, we will track it down and decide if it is worthy or not to be allowed into the community.

Bob is not lying to you, I (albeit only once) have already checked one addon to LFS, but that was a long time ago.

Of course if the devs find it necessary, say if one program is getting out of hand and causing mass deconstruction of LFS as a program, the devs will take action on that third party software.
I'm sure the devs have a veto, but it makes sense to delegate the boring managerial tasks so they can get on with making game and living their lives. One of the most important tasks in any business is delegation, if you try to do everything yourself (no matter how much you want to!) you'll go mad and go bust.
See the problem I see is that none of what you guys are trying to point out are stated in the rules located :

Which leads me to believe you guys just say and do as you wish, I'm not here to cause trouble or to stir anything. But I don't agree on the 'you must do this' and 'you cannot do that, unless we agree to it' when it was never stated in the rules. You get meh?

The harder you grip, the more I'll wriggle.

That ain't no sexual innuendo you dirty minded people
the TWEAK!!!!
any one have the tweak programme i can download i have s2 plz send the file asap or add me to ur msn and send me through msn. only add if u have the tweak package for me to use on the XRT car
Those aren't official rules, also look at the date, I too wasn't a moderator back then.
And because of the date of those, nothing will most likely be changed since people would freak out and the whole place would have to be revamped to the new rules etc. and I'm sure not many people would get used to them.

Keep in mind, mods usually get the last bit of the peanut butter in this cup, most of the time stuff slips by us while we are busy doing other things and tend to the matter later.

No, not always do people ask us if their programs are allowed, but yes, either way we look over them and will contact the creator and determine what to do from there.

edit-.. Bob found what I was looking for, there you go then Rooble, I'll put it in the rules section.
So what alternative do I have?

A) Add license protection to keep demo users out and keep the moderators happy, and deal with the countless amounts of request PM/threads for the mod.

B) Release it into the public away from the official community and drive all the demo users elsewhere for help/support/requests. This just invites illegal activities from other users with cracking and such, and rids the reasonable amount of control the devs/moderators have on the community made software.

No need to reply back to this post, as this topic has run its course and I'm clear on the matter.

K Bye.
Quote from Rooble :So what alternative do I have?

A) Add license protection to keep demo users out and keep the moderators happy, and deal with the countless amounts of request PM/threads for the mod.

B) Release it into the public away from the official community and drive all the demo users elsewhere for help/support/requests. This just invites illegal activities from other users with cracking and such, and rids the reasonable amount of control the devs/moderators have on the community made software.

C) Don't release it to anyone except to your friends (and me as well).
Wheel, what gives you the gall to think that you deserve to be above everyone else with Roobles theoretical mod? I think thats showing a huge level of ignorance, thinking your better than everyone else, and disobeying the Mods/Devs wishes.

Oh wait, you're an American. It all makes sense now.
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Tweak for all cars in LFS?
(32 posts, closed, started )