The online racing simulator
Anyone try the GT Legends demo yet?
(71 posts, started )
#1 - steve
Anyone try the GT Legends demo yet?
ANYTHING is better than that thing the named GTR... I have watched the video and I must say, it does LOOK stunning. I'm trying to dl the demo right now (boomtown crapped out so I had to start again).

What track is it the demo? And what are the configs?

Dijon Short and GP. Lotus Elan, a Corvette, and a Jaguar E-Type are the cars in the demo.
Yes, its...much like GTR, but a bit watered down, the modeling though is stunning, if you mixed the physics and track modeling of LFS, with the car detail of GTR/GTL, you would have yourself a work of art.
Quote from DodgeRacer : with the car detail of GTR/GTL, you would have yourself a work of art.

Don't forget the sound. Thats the best part of the GTR/GPL games, they actually sound like they have an engine under the bonnet, and not a bunch of bees.
Quote from L(Oo)ney :Don't forget the sound. Thats the best part of the GTR/GPL games, they actually sound like they have an engine under the bonnet, and not a bunch of bees.

oh yes, how could i forget the sound! the sound of the ferarri 360M tearing through the track in GTR..oh..oh my i believe i just shat myself.
Quote from DodgeRacer :oh yes, how could i forget the sound! the sound of the ferarri 360M tearing through the track in GTR..oh..oh my i believe i just shat myself.

That doesn't quite make up for the awful cross-fading of the engine sounds which makes you cringe every time it switches samples. Unlike LFS, GTR uses samples instead of generating the sounds real-time. I'd be a lot more impressed if they got those kinds of sounds by generating them the way LFS does, and as a result without the aforementioned cross-fading, which, IMO, is cheating.
Quote from steve :WOW is all I can say, the demo is great I made a little video to :P

Oohh, get both hands on that wheel.
holy moly wow. lol what kind of wheel is that? i must get it lol. im gonna dl the demo too. does it run on the same settings as the GTR demo? coz that dint work on mine
Cant have 2 hands on the wheel and shift!

Its a momo racing wheel I dunno about settings, I got everything cranked up at 1280x1024 with 6AA and 16AF and in a full field of cars I get 60+ FPS
Quote from steve :Cant have 2 hands on the wheel and shift!

Use your mouth superman!
Wassup steve the beave? I put together a video also but mine is recorded in game and not with a cam. It's all in cockpit shots of me racing since theres to real replays. It's not all that great but its hard to record and race at the same time. Take a look and tell me what you think...
haha i gotta buy that momo wheel. since i broke my logitech one i havent gotten another. stuck with a joystick which sucks hahaha! i hope this demo works on mine

on the gtr demo i always got this error that this DXT compression thignie was needed hahaha.

and oh, the post ^^^^ the sound makes it such a fun looking video hahaha!
sadly no this demo doesnt work for me either :cry:
Great demo indeed. I'm enjoying the Jag's sound and handling a lot. Will deffinitely be buying GTL, can't wait to hear/drive the bmw CSL and porsche 906 :faint2:

Edit: nice vid steve, made me get off my ass and change the busted spring on my gpl shifter, time to go driving the proper way
Does look impressive ( yet to download it ) just watching the movie, but Oh My, 3-2-1 GO!? on the screen
Tweak was laughing at me after he saw that 3-2-1 GO! lol
i need a better puter
The game looks good, but by far not as nice as the performance it takes from your hardware.
Also, I couldnt configure my wheel to split the axes, it simply doesnt work.

The game is good, but still faaaaaar away from LFS.

And the menu looks like tooncar oo_00
- my pc is too crappy for that demo. :weeping:
#21 - avih
Tried it for a short while, didn't like the handling and atmosphere much. Pretty much a GTR "addon". Regarding hardware requirements, Make sure to select DX7/8 shaders and NOT auto (graphics configuration utility).

Once i changed from auto to DX8, framerate gone up considerably. I'm still not very impressed though. LFS is better IMHO.
#22 - Jimi
I had much trouble with GTR and I dont like the way SIMsalaBIN is treating their customers.
GTR 1.4 is still very very buggy and awful programmed.

Will GT-Legends be a beta-game like GTR too?

But I will d/l and check the demo.
What i disliked about GTR and most probably will be the same is that you where stuck with mainly left hand drive vehicles and it just took me ages to learn of to drive on the left which is one of the reasons I disliked GTR
#24 - Jimi
Checked it and I'm not impressed.

I guess it will be full of unsteerable cars, like the Ford Escort Mod in GTR,
which is in my opinion only suited for some fun races...

A real bad point is that you can't change driver position, real crap.
I don't see me learning to drive on the right side.

And too hardware hungry.

I bet GT-Legends will be such a beta like GTR,
and the customers will be the beta-testers again.
No thanx, SIMsalaBIN.
I have been eagerly awaiting GTL since i first learnt about it and am sorry to say that im totally dissapointed with the arcade game demo that has been released.

Have the developers ever driven a real car or do they drive to work on a big blob of jelly in a carrier bag?

Anyone try the GT Legends demo yet?
(71 posts, started )