The online racing simulator
Hmm. I figured there might be something like that, Marsh, or possible Skippy might know? You have Marsh's contact info bdshan?
The server is now public.

Qualify: 20 minutes
Laps: 10

Now all I need is the FTP info and we are set.
Layouts have been uploaded as well.

Marsh sends his regards.
Thanks, i just went on there.
BranislavS FXR ,i ope i'm not to late
Ill be there,with my FXR
Should be there as CARNAGE in the Porsche.
Welcome aboard, Sorry to hear that Niko.
I also have a problem ( parents visit) to come tonight. Wish a good race for all of you
me me
i would also like to race.
Sign me in.
I will be late, but hope i can make it
Updated, the Server is now passworded
Any idea why i won the first race and not Arri?
Ben, you got the replay's for me? :P
Quote from srdsprinter :Any idea why i won the first race and not Arri?

Just as LFS showed he crossed the line i uploaded the new layout. Maybe that was why?

Replays coming up soon
I guess that must be the reason, but i think i got a questionmark instead on 1 when i crossed the line.
It didnt happen in the last race so i guess everything is OK.
Hmm, i'll post it in the bugs section. The replays are up btw everyone