The online racing simulator
Maximum Signature Size
(9 posts, started )
Maximum Signature Size
What is the max signature size, that is allowed here?
#2 - Slopi
4 lines. That seems to change though, especially if you have a link or larger text in your signature. Picture sigs aren't allowed.
why are picture sigs not allowed, thats a bit silly.
#4 - Slopi
It's just better without pictures. No one wants to see a page loaded with rediculous pictures each time they read a thread. At least, no one on these forums
but you have a picture in your signature :P...
and whats wrong with sigs anyway? I've made some nice LTC sigs with the players stats. was just wondering if I had to make some smaller ones for the LFS forum
#6 - Slopi
The image in my sig is actuall placed there using specific tags for that server. Leagues also have similar sig images, but you are limited to how many you can have in a sig. Custom images aren't allowed though.

The biggest issue with sigs is (go see the WoW forums for a good example) that pages take much longer to load (especially for people on dial-up). That, and a lot of people tend to abuse the privlage, usually though making the worst sigs ever. I suppose that's why it's limited to text (and approved 'user bars').
so, if I was to make some kind of "user bar" for LTC, and then asked victor to make it an "authorised" one, it could be used?
#8 - Slopi
I'd search the forums to see if anything is put in stone. I personally have no idea what the requirements are for having an official user bar added to the forums is.
Any chance that there could be a maximum size for text in signatures? Because...
Massive signature text is really quite annoying
...sometimes even more annoying than a picture.

Maximum Signature Size
(9 posts, started )