The online racing simulator
Operation: SO1 Safer.
(22 posts, started )
Operation: South City Classic.
Ok, so, I have decided to make SO1 slower in terms of average speed for the lap, as I feel there is a couple of VERY unsafe area's on the track. First up is the final corner, all of the Veterans know, and LOVE that corner, the sweeping left, out onto the front straight, well, many newer players constantly try and take this curve flat out, and end up in the armco at very unsafe speeds. Which would lead to MANY very bad accidents is this was real life. So, the first addition is a chicane before the last corner. Used to slow the cars down, it is a great spectator point as well. However if you get turned around going into the chicane, you wont be game over, as there are plenty of tyres to save you before the red/white barrier. This will be an ongoing project, and, as you can see from the filename, I would hope for it one day to be part of the CTRA/STCC track roster.

Comments/Criticism is wanted!

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SO1_chicaneCTRA.lyt - 604 B - 316 views
So you added a chicane because some people try to take the corner flat out. What if they try to take the chicane flat out? Will you put a chicane before the chicane?

Anybody who tries to take that corner flat out will only do it once.

That's a mistake you only make once.
Quote from thisnameistaken :So you added a chicane because some people try to take the corner flat out. What if they try to take the chicane flat out? Will you put a chicane before the chicane?

What are you? Tilke?! :P
Meh, I like the chicane a lot, so whatever suits you, lol. Now, how should I make the hairpin first corner safer, without the addition of a mile of tyre to protect the car if it gets punted off?


PS, the Bus-stop needs something done to it too.
#6 - Dumpy
It needs buses driving through it at regular intervals. That would spice it up.
Interesting conversion.

I would certainly like to try it, even the last corner isn't a problem with people who know how to take it. But it certainly adds alternatives.

You wanted suggestions...well only this comes to my mind. I would change the last tire line (closest to the red-white barriers) go all the way to the end of the red-white barrier. Now the end of the barrier is bit unprotected and I bet there are lots of people who hit it and fly to the moon. You know bit same way as the pit wall end is protected in the pic2.

EDIT: I tried it 10 laps or so. Not sure if it makes it any safer in the current form. You can take the chicane now too fast. It doesn't slow it down so much. I tried it with mouse and xrg (not my usual car) and did low 59 (with 10 laps). You can go through it 100+ km/h (60mp/h) and the risk of hitting the barrier ends is very high (see the pic where the skid marks go). Second problem is that now the racing line goes almost where the pit entry is, so if wanting to enter pits you need to enter it fast and at the very last moment. Maybe the pit entry line needs to be protected with barriers too. Certainly interesting racing, but maybe not safer.
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Quote from Aquilifer :Interesting conversion.

I would certainly like to try it, even the last corner isn't a problem with people who know how to take it. But it certainly adds alternatives.

You wanted suggestions...well only this comes to my mind. I would change the last tire line (closest to the red-white barriers) go all the way to the end of the red-white barrier. Now the end of the barrier is bit unprotected and I bet there are lots of people who hit it and fly to the moon. You know bit same way as the pit wall end is protected in the pic2.

EDIT: I tried it 10 laps or so. Not sure if it makes it any safer in the current form. You can take the chicane now too fast. It doesn't slow it down so much. I tried it with mouse and xrg (not my usual car) and did low 59 (with 10 laps). You can go through it 100+ km/h (60mp/h) and the risk of hitting the barrier ends is very high (see the pic where the skid marks go). Second problem is that now the racing line goes almost where the pit entry is, so if wanting to enter pits you need to enter it fast and at the very last moment. Maybe the pit entry line needs to be protected with barriers too. Certainly interesting racing, but maybe not safer.

So, does this mean I should make the two "barriers" closer together? I was thinking of using four little sections of barrier, then, bales out to the ends, so flying to the moon isn't as likely.

Not expert in this....

Since there are 2 slight problems, maybe moving the 1st barrier section closer to the 2nd one would help. It might help in that people didn't drive over the pit entry. Also adding soft protection to the barrier ends.

In my experience the last corner is not the problem, but that people hit the walls in the bus stop chicane exit and spinning there. And that's something you cannot correct in any way.
Here's an updated version of it. Slowed down the exit of the bus stop considerably. Also, made the ends of the chicane better, and, made pit-in easier, and safer around the big curve.

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SO1_chicaneCTRA.lyt - 1.3 KB - 282 views
After 10 laps in my GP2-like BF1 I must say it's fun to drive but I found exit from bus stop dangerous for the first time as it's very tight indeed...
Quote from Kdovi :After 10 laps in my GP2-like BF1 I must say it's fun to drive but I found exit from bus stop dangerous for the first time as it's very tight indeed...

BF1 is certainly not the car for this track.

I think a chicane before a 90 degree turn is no good. It's usually turn->chicane->straight (blackwood ) not the opposite.
I find the chicane before the straight makes no sence at all. You still are approching the following corner at the same speed! Chicanes are designed to limit the speed at the next corner. For example, Knickerbrook at Oulton Park, that Left/Right on the back straight of Surfer's Paradise, The chicane's at Fuji Speedway (90's edit), Spa-Francorchamps' "Bus-stop," etc.

Quote from Lible :It's usually turn->chicane->straight (blackwood ) not the opposite.

Drive BL-Reverse :P
Great, you've messed up St. Martins chicane.
Quote from Dalek0220 :Great, you've messed up St. Martins chicane.

That's the point, is not as fast now, and eliminates people from hitting the wall on exit.

That is in NO way safer at all. Pretty insane to think you need to add walls there to slow them down. People goto pass there a lot entering the corner. If people can't take that corner, than it is their own stupid mistakes. That corner is rather easy actually.... you don't need to stuff it up with a silly chicane.

Let people learn the course properly, rather than try to make a new one to learn all over again... which just causes more accidents anyways. If you have complaints of people being total naabs on these so-called "licensed" servers.... think about the kind of mentality people have when they have this 'uber license to drive' on that server. That pretty much explains it... Because nobody in those servers are who they say they are... nor do they ever learn.
instead of that putt tires on the wall to stop there speed wen they hit wall
and wen the exit corner putt tires there so if they hit tires they will know
to slow down more wen they enter corner.
This is more like:
Operation: SO1 Worser
And worser isn't even a word!
Quote from Tweaker :Let people learn the course properly, rather than try to make a new one to learn all over again... which just causes more accidents anyways..

Took the words out of my mouth.
Quote from Dalek0220 :This is more like:
Operation: SO1 Worser
And worser isn't even a word!:banghead:

After the first few posts, I actually changed the topic title, however, it isn't showing up on the actual thread title. :\

hehe,try ai on this.

Operation: SO1 Safer.
(22 posts, started )