Not sure where to begin? You need a program first
#2 - Zero7
#3 - ORION
Picture Publisher is my favourite because it's very simple to use, just perfect for a me

However, Photoshop is quite powerful because of the vertex based masks.
Another very powerful and easy to use vector graphic package: Xara Xtreme.

Free trial, plus package is around $80 US.
I use Paint Shop Pro 9 very easy to use and great at doing other stuff besides skining
Quote from TiJay :PhotoFiltre is good too, and probably easier to migrate to.

download photofiltre here

ObjectPainter - you can load 3D objects into Photoshop and paint with the 3D preview
Arcsoft Photo studio 5.5
Search it on net its free download and works like photoshop and its easy to use.
not sure if this is the right place, but for a buget, Photoshop elements works for me. it doesn't have a pen tool, but many shapes can be made with circles and such
GUYS, sorry im really lost about using the programs how can i create a new skin starting from the xfg...
#13 - Rish
Try the tutorials, they should clear anything up for you!
Macromedia Fireworks
I using photoshop an i am happy :d
i am using photoshop but i couldnt convert jpeg to dds i cant use any skin which i have done
Quote from Eganbegona :i am using photoshop but i couldnt convert jpeg to dds i cant use any skin which i have done

Save as .jpg and put into <LFS>/data/skins/ folder.

When you start LFS they will be converted, you may see some text saying this if you are quick enough.
it was so fast thanks mate.
Quote from kodyro :I using photoshop an i am happy :d

Please, can you tell me if there is any websites that teaches me how to make skin for LFS? I don't know how to start. I have the programs but... I dunno how to make them.. Please Help!!!
I use Gimp and it does the job.

beside a program to make the skins is there a program to view the skin with out having to start LFS. It be kinda a nice to view my skin with out having to load them up on LFS untill there finshed.
#21 - Gunn
Quote from ghostrider83 :...
beside a program to make the skins is there a program to view the skin with out having to start LFS. It be kinda a nice to view my skin with out having to load them up on LFS untill there finshed.

Sure, download the CMX Viewer from the main site.
thanks I need that.
(racerx111) DELETED by Victor : spam
CMX Viewer tutorial??
Is there a tutorial somewhere for cmx viewer? I can only see the default skins. Been to the end of the internet and back but can't find anything?
Quote from XxFormulaxX :Please, can you tell me if there is any websites that teaches me how to make skin for LFS? I don't know how to start. I have the programs but... I dunno how to make them.. Please Help!!!

if you dont mind im answering

@ dynsdale, dowload skins and put them in the skins folder of your viewer folder
Quote from Dynsdale :Is there a tutorial somewhere for cmx viewer? I can only see the default skins. Been to the end of the internet and back but can't find anything?

You have to put the skin in data/skins
Attached images