The online racing simulator
Predictions on top time this week?
Hi all! well, I thought I'd start off a little thread about guessing what the best time will be. I predict 59 seconds set by mr. Bawbag.
what do you mean...? I dont understand
I see your :59 and raise you. :P (Sorry. Been playing poker all afternoon :S)

:58 by Bawbag

#4 - dadge
he's talking about week 2 in the lx compition.
some really good times so far. imo this new layout is better than the first one. but that just me
1 minute even. Not by Bawbag though, this weeks winner will be Racin Jason.
True, come to think of it, yeah, Bawbag won't be winner this week, he doesn't care much for the TripleHead, same here really, I would either like a t-shirt or 2k high res dls . I've got my eye on that G25
#7 - ajp71
1.00 by Racin Jason

Quote from Leprekaun :True, come to think of it, yeah, Bawbag won't be winner this week, he doesn't care much for the TripleHead, same here really, I would either like a t-shirt or 2k high res dls . I've got my eye on that G25

The prizes really don't affect me, I'm not in much danger of winning
No-one going to vote for me? Hah I guess I wouldn't vote for me either...

I'm already down to the 1's on pb splits but I'm on the limit of my skill and/or set. Getting a 59 would really require something special IMO. Last week the times kept going down the whole week but I think that was because everyone was coming to terms with the car. I certainly hadn't driven the lx4 competitivly before last week so it took me a while to get a feel for it. But I think now that everyone is "dialed in" times should be more competitive straight off the bat. Probably end up eating my words by the end of the week though
Quote from ReppohC :No-one going to vote for me? Hah I guess I wouldn't vote for me either...

I'm already down to the 1's on pb splits but I'm on the limit of my skill and/or set. Getting a 59 would really require something special IMO. Last week the times kept going down the whole week but I think that was because everyone was coming to terms with the car. I certainly hadn't driven the lx4 competitivly before last week so it took me a while to get a feel for it. But I think now that everyone is "dialed in" times should be more competitive straight off the bat. Probably end up eating my words by the end of the week though

Well, I'm very impressed with your time so far, very quick indeed. I would appreciate the setup tho .
Lol, still asking for setups? I think some people need to accept that it's not the setup that makes someone fast....

I agree with ReppohC though, but even more so because the layout doesn't offer half as much challenge as the old one, which means that it wont take long to master the whole course there for the times wont be improoved so greatly like the last time. I remember setting a 1.12 in the last layout and that was regarded as "Fast" and that went another 4 seconds.
<- Setup Whore!

I know that its more than just setup but there have been some times there where I had a new set and could instantly go 1-2 seconds faster. Definitely the last second or 1.5 seconds comes from the driver himself/herself but its nice to experiment with setups . Btw, I wanted to ask you, just to see where I was losing time, could you post a replay of you doing your magnificent 1:08s here .
Quote from Leprekaun :<- Setup Whore!
... there have been some times there where I had a new set and could instantly go 1-2 seconds faster...

Well, that means that you pretty much DIDN'T HAD a "proper set" to begin with. 1-2 seconds is an eternity.

When you have a set, dialed in to your driving style and the track layout, any other given set could "give" you at the most a couple of
tenths. That is, after a lot of practice.
Quote from Bawbag :Lol, still asking for setups? I think some people need to accept that it's not the setup that makes someone fast....

It makes a big difference, I went 2 seconds faster using your set on my second run with it but I still dropped a further 4 seconds afterwards through driving it better (and was still 8 seconds off pace ).
Easily below the 1 minute barrier I think. 59 or 58.
I can appreciate how a setup may improve your times but at the same time all autox sets are essentially the same. Low pressure, higher camber, funky ratios. The setup only helps you until a point, after that it comes down to either bringing your setup to your driving style or driving style to match the setup. And generally its the latter. Practice and patience.
add to the list the ability to actually extract your maximum driving potential intentionally that's my downfall, my raw times can vary +/- 1 second between runs and I'm often scratching my head as to why. That's where the really fast guys have an advantage over the rest of us mere mortals.

A setup, once it has the basic raw grip dialed in, is mostly about suiting your driving style as Reppoh says. I tried his setup yesterday, and can see why it's fast, but it totally doesn't suit the way I drive. But it is interesting to try to figure out what's good about different setups and if it's possible to make your own setups better as a result.
Quote from Leprekaun :<- Setup Whore!

I know that its more than just setup but there have been some times there where I had a new set and could instantly go 1-2 seconds faster. Definitely the last second or 1.5 seconds comes from the driver himself/herself but its nice to experiment with setups . Btw, I wanted to ask you, just to see where I was losing time, could you post a replay of you doing your magnificent 1:08s here .

I never done any 1.08's offline, the only offline driving I done was before it becuase the servers all had 20+ people in it and I was getting lost after 3 corners and a few days before it i done a 1.09.5 for someone which really wasn't all.

I didn't drive offline towards the end because I usually drove at nights when it was quieter and the thing that doing a good lap is easy but doing it valid comes not very often, so i'd be pretty annoyed if I got a 08.5 offline but couldn't get near it online.
I predict 1:01,76. At least I am quite at the limit with my set with the 1:02,5. Maybe I could find some more tenth but not seconds.
Precise predictions!

I'll just say in the 1.00's, might not even go that far but with only doing a few runs myself I dunno as much as the fast guys.

Most people in real life who race karts/cars/other know the setup allways needs to be spot on, to be able to become competitive. When i had demo i was told that himself could do a 1.33 on Hard Track setup in the XFG & Bl1. I asked him to show me and he came back with an answer saying his busy. As we all know setups will always count, but it has to suit you as a driver. There is no point having a very quick setup but your driving styles don't match it. In away its like a puzzle. Like i find when on lfs ive not been on that track with that car for ages, i find my self tweaking the cars setup because my driving style has changed towards the car. It becomes very confusing but in the end you get there.

Well, tbh, I'm not saying "Oh look at me! look at how brilliant I am!" but in general, I often can drive the car near its maximum potential but sometimes, there is a lot of time I can gain which just means that its a mental barrier, not a physics barrier . I understand that different setups are better for certain drivers over others, I know that but at the end of the day, its all about adapting yourself to the setup and the general characteristics of the car and then you getting the setup to make the car adapt more to your driving style. Personally, I feel that I've hit a wall now round the new AutoX course where I was only able to set a low 1:04.

I never stated that setup is the sole reason for someone being faster over another, a lot of it is to do with track time as well as car time(how much you've driven that car) so to me, its no surprise that Ray is able to drive really quickly as he is the hotlap rank leader so I'd say he's driven the LX4 the fair bit .

I'll post the setup here and you guys can have a go with it but please, for proof, post up a replay of you doing one of those magnificent low 1:03s or possibly high 1:02s with it. Just 1 little rule as well, no tweaking whatsoever, drive that setup as it is and show me a replay of you doing a lap with it. I mean, it doesn't hurt to share setups lads. I mean, sure for a league, its different because theres a lot at stake and I understand as well that this is a competition, not a fun run thing but something which I realise is that someone who's afraid to share his/her setup is someone who fears that another person can maximise it over them, putting them at a disadvantage. If someone is really confident and they believe they've extracted the maximum from the car then why should they worry about what others can do with that setup?

I'll give you an example, did you know that the setup that Darkone55 used to get his WR for BF1/AS National was actually my setup which was a tweak of biggi's as6 set. Yes, he did tweak it slightly but its basically the same setup. Whilst I was able to set a low 1:22, he was able to extract 0.6 more out of it with some small tweaks but I'm not worried about it because ok, I know he did it but it also gives me confidence of knowing that I can achieve those kind of times with it too and perhaps go even quicker. I find that sometimes the best way to find out how fast your setup is is to put it in the hands of one of the LFS aliens and see how well they do in comparison to the WR so the WR can be used as some sort of benchmark.

So in conclusion , Reppoh, if you can prove to me that its mostly to do with driving, then why aren't you willing to share your setup?
Attached files
LX4_AXWk2_104.set - 132 B - 1031 views
Quote from Leprekaun :I never stated that setup is the sole reason for someone being faster over another, a lot of it is to do with track time as well as car time(how much you've driven that car) so to me, its no surprise that Ray is able to drive really quickly as he is the hotlap rank leader so I'd say he's driven the LX4 the fair bit .

It's not because he's much better than you are?

It seems like you're doing a lot of whining about so-and-so beating you because he's got a better setup. Why not just learn how to set up the car and get on with it if you're so quick?
Quote from Leprekaun :Well, tbh, I'm not saying "Oh look at me! look at how brilliant I am!" so to me, its no surprise that Ray is able to drive really quickly as he is the hotlap rank leader so I'd say he's driven the LX4 the fair bit .

Yes, he got lot of experince hotlapping that magnificently hard combo one needs to complete the main rank with lx4. The damn oval, so how does it tell you he has lots of experience with it?
Quote from thisnameistaken :It's not because he's much better than you are?

It seems like you're doing a lot of whining about so-and-so beating you because he's got a better setup. Why not just learn how to set up the car and get on with it if you're so quick?

^ Thats harsh Kev, real harsh .

I don't think you were paying attention or got my point in my post. I stated that he IS better than me because of track and car time. Those who believe that some drivers are JUST better than others is a load of cr*p IMO.
Quote from Jonesy_ :Yes, he got lot of experince hotlapping that magnificently hard combo one needs to complete the main rank with lx4. The damn oval, so how does it tell you he has lots of experience with it?

Don't think you got my point either Jonesy. Its about comparison, comparing my track time to his. If you look at his LFSW stats compared to mine, its obvious he's driven it a lot more than I have.

<- YAY! 500th post!