The online racing simulator
LFSLapper insim4 Release
(2101 posts, closed, started )
My Lapper ist still running and no error is reported but after ~3hours lapper stop working. No more messages in lfs, no ftp upload, nothing...

lapper is runnig on suse linux "mono"

LFSLapper, Version=, Culture=neutral
Copyright (C) 2005-2007 Janez Cufer and Gai-Luron
This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
under certain conditions. Read LICENSE for details.

Intercept don't work
Loading WR...Ok
Connection OK
ProductEMO Version:0.5X10 InSim Version:4
LFSLapper is running...
Quote from MonkOnHotTinRoof :There is nothing to compile. CGI is ALREADY compiled. However if for some strange reason you think your compiler can produce significantly better code than mine, you can build it yourself from source code included. Only main.cpp has to be compiled, which is standard C++ using some STL. Read documentation.

Oh, yeah, you need C++ compiler with STL support for that.

what i was talking about was the fact that my pb files arent called PB.txt and DriftPB.txt and how are you meant to change the directory of where the pb files are?
i am having some trouble getting the auto timer thing to work is this right?

0 19 * * * * |/rcm Next track up is going to be KY3R:/rcm_all|
55 19 * * * * |/end
* 20 * * * * |/track ky3r
0 39 * * * * |/rcm Next track up is going to be AS3:/rcm_all
55 39 * * * * |/end
* 40 * * * * |/track as3
0 59 * * * * |/rcm Next track up is going to be AU1_Drift Challenge:/rcm_all
55 59 * * * * |/end
0 19 * * * * |/rcm Next track up is going to be KY3R:/rcm_all|
55 19 * * * * |/end|
* 20 * * * * |/track ky3r|
0 39 * * * * |/rcm Next track up is going to be AS3:/rcm_all|
55 39 * * * * |/end|
* 40 * * * * |/track as3|
0 59 * * * * |/rcm Next track up is going to be AU1_Drift Challenge:/rcm_all|
55 59 * * * * |/end

It's better !!!
Quote from vane :what i was talking about was the fact that my pb files arent called PB.txt and DriftPB.txt and how are you meant to change the directory of where the pb files are?

You can change directory and/or filename in LFSLapper configuration file. You can select filename using cgi with parameters pbfile and driftfile (Read readme.txt). Basically it's: WebStats.cgi?pbfile=mypbfilename&driftfile=mydriftfilename

wtf: mydriftfilename is automatically split by space before filename, but only in upper line ?
Quote from kankkune :problem

So strange, i can't reproduce your crash!!! Do you modify trackInfo.cfg? This is append on crash or when you kill Lapper?

I put in attached file a debug version of Lapper. Replace your exe file with this file and try to reproduce the bug, and send me the strange message on your screen also.
Attached files
LFSLapper.rar - 45.2 KB - 286 views
Quote from Gai-Luron :So strange, i can't reproduce your crash!!! Do you modify trackInfo.cfg? This is append on crash or when you kill Lapper?

I put in attached file a debug version of Lapper. Replace your exe file with this file and try to reproduce the bug, and send me the strange message on your screen also.

i replace old .exe this new .exe
lapper is stable now but one error still.
Attached images
Attached files
logerr.txt - 33.7 KB - 294 views

You have an error in your file trackinfo.cfg. I think you modify this file? Please, send me this file located in exe folder of LFSLapper to view what's wrong for doing a better syntax test in it?


ok this is it.
oops. i forget paste it
Attached files
trackInfo.rar - 9.9 KB - 265 views
Wich track you use? with car?
Quote :track = BL2R
len = 2.0
car = XRG
MaxLapTime = 1.30.00
split1 = 0.32.00
car = RB4
MaxLapTime = 1.37.98
split1 = 0.29.77
car = XRT
MaxLapTime = 1.20.00
split1 = 0.29.20

i find this one. is Better with 0. !!!
Quote :
0 0 * * * * |/track so1|
0 18 * * * *| /rcm Track Change in 2 Minutes! :/rcm_all
0 19 * * * * |/rcm The next track will be Blackwood GP:/rcm_all|
55 19 * * * * |/end|
* 20 * * * * |/track bl1|
0 38 * * * *| /rcm Track Change in 2 Minutes! :/rcm_all
0 39 * * * * |/rcm The next track will be Aston National:/rcm_all|
55 39 * * * * |/end|
* 40 * * * * |/track as3|
0 58 * * * *| /rcm Track Change in 2 Minutes! :/rcm_all
0 59 * * * * |/rcm The next track will be South City Classic:/rcm_all |
55 59 * * * * |/end|

I tried inserting this snippet of code in my scheduled actions paragraph, using the ideas posted above, but LFS Lapper will not load, it tells me that there is a missing "=" in line xxx; which corresponds to the first line of the added code. Any suggestions please?
i add this zero and now lapper works fine
Quote from Bladerunner :I tried inserting this snippet of code in my scheduled actions paragraph, using the ideas posted above, but LFS Lapper will not load, it tells me that there is a missing "=" in line xxx; which corresponds to the first line of the added code. Any suggestions please?

Yes look here :

Don't forgot | Between line. Don't put it in the last Line
Quote from Gai-Luron :Yes look here :

Don't forgot | Between line. Don't put it in the last Line

I looked, I didn't forget the |
I didn't put the | in the last is my EXACT code from Lapper.cfg:

Quote :ScheduledAction =
0 0 * * * * |/track so1|
0 18 * * * * |/rcm Track Change in 2 Minutes!:/rcm_all|
0 19 * * * * |/rcm The next track will be Blackwood GP:/rcm_all|
55 19 * * * * |/end|
* 20 * * * * |/track bl1|
0 38 * * * *|/rcm Track Change in 2 Minutes! :/rcm_all|
0 39 * * * * |/rcm The next track will be Aston National:/rcm_all|
55 39 * * * * |/end|
* 40 * * * * |/track as3|
0 58 * * * *| /rcm Track Change in 2 Minutes! :/rcm_all |
0 59 * * * * |/rcm The next track will be South City Classic:/rcm_all |
55 59 * * * * |/end

And HERE is an EXACT copy of the error message!
Quote :LFSLapper, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
Copyright (C) 2005-2007 Janez Cufer and Gai-Luron
This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
under certain conditions. Read LICENSE for details.

The following error occurred:
Corrupted line #207 (' 55 19 * * * * |/end|') in file LFSLapper.cfg (can
not find '=' symbol)
at LFSLapper.Configurator.Load(String filepath)
at LFSLapper.LFSClient..ctor(String scriptfilename, debug Pdebug, Boolean deb
at LFSLapper.LFSLapper.Main(String[] Args)
Boolean Load(System.String)

Save Debug Infos

Can you recheck my code (it is EXACTLY like above..) and see if you can spot any errors please.
does anyone know of a free webasite place that WebStats works on, it must have ftp and cgi
You need to put "tab" character before each multiline

Quote from Bladerunner :I looked, I didn't forget the |
I didn't put the | in the last is my EXACT code from Lapper.cfg:

And HERE is an EXACT copy of the error message!
Can you recheck my code (it is EXACTLY like above..) and see if you can spot any errors please.

You need a "Tab" character before each line in multiline mode

Quote from Gai-Luron :You need a "Tab" character before each line in multiline mode


OK, great, seems to accept it now.
Now for a bit of testing

One question it possible to ONLY change tracks that way IF a race is not in progress? I think it would be a bit of a pain if you were 500 metres from the finish line when the auto change kicked in!

Or would it be possible to change tracks after a set number of laps? say, 100 laps on a track, then change...
Hello Racer,

New version of LFSLapper : 5.10

Quote :+--------------------------+
|Changes from v5.01 to 5.10|

1. Add TCP connection to Insim ( Add a parameter in cfg file if you want disable and use UDP )

2. Add the test of the format time in trackInfo.cfg

3. Add {LongTrackName} variable in cfg file

4. Now old Lapper built-in command (!ver,!top,... ) can be put on private messages in the cfg file
/ver -> Show version of LFSLapper
/cleanspb -> Clean your current session of Spb
/spb -> Show your SPB
/hand -> Show your handicap or a player handicap
/statsqual -> View stats of player container in FilterQual variable
/dstats -> Drift Stats
/stats -> Stats of a player
/nearqual -> Top qual near your position if you are in FilterQual variable
/near -> Top near you
/topqual -> Top qual of player in FilterQual variable
/top -> Top
/drf -> Drift Top

5. Add command in AutoMsgPrivate, copy this commands in this place or use new cfg file
AutoMsgPrivate =
!hand|/hand {*}|
!statsqual|/statsqual {*}|
!dstats|/dstats {*}|
!stats|/stats {*}|
!nearqual|/nearqual {*}|
!near|/near {*}|
!topqual|/topqual {*}|
!top|/top {*}|
!drf|/drf {*}|

.... Rest of your AutoMsgPrivate ....

6. Add a variable {*} in AutoMsgPrivate who is the rest of the line racer type in ( argument )

7. All private messages are multiline messages, each line is separated by ':' in the command line

Thank You for the new version !

Two things:

1) "Changes from v5.01 to 5.10", shouldnt it be "Changes from v5.05 to 5.10" ?

2) In the LFSLapper.cfg it says:

^3!ver Average speed {colon} {AvgSpeed}:
^3!speed ^8Average speed:

Is this correct? It looks weird. The speed command never worked for me, too.

And last but not least i have 2 suggestions:

Is it possible to save the decision via shift+i (if i want to use session or alltime spb) for later sessions?

The 2nd one i asked already for:

A filter for good, great and unbelievable splits.. like !splits great
so it will display only great and unbelievable splits
there is a filter already in shift+i, but you cant config it, only all on or off
if you build such a filter it would be also great, if it would be saved alltime, not only for current session

just my 2 cents to the greatest lfs addon !
1 . No version between 5.05 and 5.10. This jump, because there are many code modification and new features.

2. Wrong config, due to test and change of cfg file. remove speed and update ver : !ver Current version of LFSLapper

3. Save config shift+i in TODO List

4. Filter split message: i will look if it's possible

Quote from Gai-Luron :1 . No version between 5.05 and 5.10. This jump, because there are many code modification and new features.

2. Wrong config, due to test and change of cfg file. remove speed and update ver : !ver Current version of LFSLapper

3. Save config shift+i in TODO List

4. Filter split message: i will look if it's possible


1. You get me wrong, i was talking about Your last changelog, which announce V5.10.. there it says:
Quote :|Changes from v5.01 to 5.10|

It should say "|Changes from v5.05 to 5.10|", cause there was a v5.05 version before. Now understandable?

2. Completely remove the !speed command ? It has no use/function?

3. Thank You

4. Okay Should be doable, ZION's Team Manager got it either.
This thread is closed

LFSLapper insim4 Release
(2101 posts, closed, started )