The online racing simulator
Please help with Dedicated Server
(29 posts, started )
Please help with Dedicated Server
Hello, I've tried many times and failed to make a dedicated server on LFS demo. I am wondering if anyone could help me create a server on my Windows XP computer. I recently downloaded the LFS Dedicated Server Host X10 program (from the Additional Downloads section of and I am experiencing problems with getting the server to work and appear on the master server. After downloading the program, i configured the setup.cfg file and went to "My Network Places" on my computer, clicked "View network connections," then right-clicked my internet connection, clicked properties, then clicked the Advanced tab at the top of the window, then clicked "Settings" in the Internet Connection Sharing section, then I clicked "Add..." at the bottom of the window, then I named the service (Live for Speed Server), and filled in my computer's IP address, and filled in 63392 in both the external and internal port sections, and finally set it to TCP and pressed OK. I am wondering if I am opening the ports correctly, and also if I am creating the command file or command line correctly. It would be helpful if you sent me your entire LFS Dedicated Host file (including the data and docs folders, the setup.cfg file, a sample welcome text file, and especially a command file, and any other important file items included) which you edited and configured and that functions properly to [email protected]. Also, if it isn't of inconvenience to you, please help me step by step through the entire process of creating a server from beginning to end so I am assured to have a working dedicated server. I thank you very much and hope to be provided assistance soon.

Question #1: Am I opening the ports correctly and do I have to do another thing?

Question #2: What is port forwarding and how do I do it? Is it any different from opening a port?

Question #3: Where do I put the command file and the command line?

Question #4: What should a command file and command line look like?

Question #5: What is a command file and command line?

Question #6: Is the setup.cfg that I attached correctly configured?

Question #7: Is the entire LFS Dedicated Server folder (attached) correctly made? - The attachment doesn't include the data folder because the maximum file size would have been exceeded (the original LFS dedicated folder includes the data folder). The files will be located inside the "Copy of LFS DEDI" file inside the "LFS DEDICATED" attachment.

Thank you!
Attached files
LFS DEDICATED - 364.9 KB - 356 views
Quote from JohnBMW007 :Question #1: Am I opening the ports correctly and do I have to do another thing?

Only if you use Internet Connection Sharing (ICS) from one PC to another to share the internet connection. If you have a home router, then no.

Quote from JohnBMW007 :Question #2: What is port forwarding and how do I do it? Is it any different from opening a port?

It's the process of opening a port on the machine connected to the internet directly and sending any data from the internet, on that port, to another machine on your network which doesn't have a direct internet connection.

Is it sort of like opening the port, but it depends on your network and what software you have etc.

Quote from JohnBMW007 :Question #3: Where do I put the command file and the command line?

"Command file"? Can you explain what you think you might mean. In your attached file thats just a copy of the setup config.

Quote from JohnBMW007 :Question #4: What should a command file and command line look like?

See above

Quote from JohnBMW007 :Question #5: What is a command file and command line?

The command line is ye olde fashioned DOS prompt (or terminal in other OS'). To take a look at it goto Start > Run, type "cmd" (without quotes) and click ok. That is the command prompt (also refered to as the command line).

Quote from JohnBMW007 :Question #6: Is the setup.cfg that I attached correctly configured?


Quote from JohnBMW007 : Question #7: Is the entire LFS Dedicated Server folder (attached) correctly made?

Ignoring the command.txt, yes.

You might have to have a flick through this thread also:
Yea ive seen that thread. when you ask what i mean by command file, i mean that it says a command line is needed for a dedicated server in the readme i think. I think i might need to type "LFS /cfg=setup.cfg" after going to Run and typing in cmd. is that true?

also, if you say that the command.txt file is incorrect, then what should it look like. if possible please attach an example. thanks

btw: can i make a welcome file with microsoft word and make it: /welcome=welcome.doc in the setup.cfg file?
Quote from JohnBMW007 :Yea ive seen that thread. when you ask what i mean by command file, i mean that it says a command line is needed for a dedicated server in the readme i think. I think i might need to type "LFS /cfg=setup.cfg" after going to Run and typing in cmd. is that true?

Yes, but if you're using setup.cfg just double clicking on LFS.exe is enough as LFS uses setup.cfg as the default configuration file. If you rename setup.cfg to something else you need to run LFS with an argument.

Quote from JohnBMW007 :also, if you say that the command.txt file is incorrect, then what should it look like. if possible please attach an example. thanks

There is no command.txt in a standard LFS server, and I'm not personally aware of any third party mods which use it.

Quote from JohnBMW007 :btw: can i make a welcome file with microsoft word and make it: /welcome=welcome.doc in the setup.cfg file?

Not in the sense that you want to. It must be a plain text file, there is also a limit on the amount of text that is used by LFS - but I can't remember what the limit is off the top of my head.
so this is what the folder should look like (in attachment)?
Attached files
LFS - 363.8 KB - 340 views
so, after configuring the dedicated server file, (as if I never opened the ports) what would i do next?
Quote from JohnBMW007 :so, after configuring the dedicated server file, (as if I never opened the ports) what would i do next?

Depends what the rest of your network is like.

How do you connect to the internet?
Something like this: Internet <---> Modem directly connected to PC
Or something like this: Internet <---> Modem directly connected to PC <----> Your PC
Or something like this: Internet <----> Home broadband router <----> Your PC

The answer also depends on what hardware and software you're using.
i have a router somewhere else in my house that wirelessly connects to several other computers and I think it is cable/broadband. the router is a Linksys WRT54G i believe. what is the hardware and software that i need to know and what will i do with that information?
Quote from the_angry_angel :The instructions depend on the software (obviously).

what instructions are you referring to?

also, when I type in the ip address into the browser, should it be my computer's ip address or my router's ip address?

where do i find my router's ip address?

when i put in my computer's ip address, it brings up a motorola login page instead of linksys. i use a hp laptop, so i don't know why it is motorola
Im having the exact same problem as you do right now. I have started many threads before and I decided to give up on it. But now I need to forward my ports for a different program. So I wanna learn how to do it as well.

I have read the whole conversation and I have gone to and I have done everything they said to do, but I still have the same problem.

Sorry if Im not supose to post here, but I didnt wanna start another thread...
Well at least I got it up on the Masterserver BUT people can't connect...

This is what i have done from the beginning until now:

I downloaded and configured the LFS Dedicated Server host program from . then i went to My Network Places and added the 63392 and 29339 ports for both TCP and UDP to the list of allowed ports (total of 4 allowed ports relating to LFS in list). these are set to my ip address (found by going to Run... then typing "cmd" into the space and pressing OK, typing "ipconfig" and pressing enter). i also allowed the ports on the Windows Firewall. then i typed into the browser, logged in (with username blank and the password "admin"), and enabled the 29339 and 63392 ports for both TCP and UDP for my ip address (same one as before). I went to the Port Triggering section and filled out the spaces for the different ports i forwarded. i then set it to allow anonymous internet requests. then i restarted my computer.

Question #1: Am I opening my ports correctly?

Question #2: Am I using the right IP address and am I using them in the right ways and places?

Question #3: Do I need to get a static IP address?

Question #4: Am I forwarding my ports correctly?

Question #5: Is there anything else I need to do?

Question #6: I hear you have to use a command to start LFS.exe. What exactly is that?

Question #7: Do I need to use WINE?

Question #8: Does setup.cfg have to be set to nogfx or invisible?

Thank you.
#15 - Davo
Looks like it.

You didn't mention any IP except eh routers.

Yes this helps.

Sounds like it.

Try to connect to your own game thgogh the internet or get someone else to connect to it.

No command, just double click LFS>exe

No, that's a linux thing.

Try nogfx means you see the lfs window, invisible means it's hidden, not a good idea for your intentions.
im pretty sure im doing everything right except for my IP address. why would i need a static ip address? if i'm not going to use a static ip address, then which ip address should everything be set to (like the port opening, port forwarding, etc.)?

many people are having trouble getting a server up and im starting to think that it is literally impossible for some people because i'm pretty sure i've done everything done correctly, except for the settings of my ip, and i don't think that is going to help or make the server function properly at all
#17 - Jakg
the ports need to be forwarded to ONE IP adress, your machine needs to be statically set to that IP to work
and how exactly do i do this? can the ip address be the one shown when you type "cmd" into Run, or do i have to change that one? also, how do i trigger ports?

- I can only connect to my server by going to Multiplayer>Join Specific Game>local network, but i dont think it will show up on the master server . I am sure that is the only way guests can connect, too. Please help
ooh, does your router works with tomato? i had to help a friend yesterday with the same router and it used tomato...
ive never heard of tomato lol. i still need a lot of help
Quote from JohnBMW007 :many people are having trouble getting a server up and im starting to think that it is literally impossible for some people because i'm pretty sure i've done everything done correctly, except for the settings of my ip, and i don't think that is going to help or make the server function properly at all

Without wanting to sound harsh or imply anything, the skill at networking to run a server successfully is just something some people can't do straight out of the box, and some can't do it not matter how hard they try.

The problem is that networking isn't easy if you're not familiar with it, even "simple" port forwarding, and also there are a few thousand different bits of hardware, with hundreds of thousands of different versions of software running on them, and millions of items of other software which can interact with the above. That gives you a huge number of combinations. It's a nightmare, and whilst if you put someone in front of it who is familiar with the concepts they can fix it, it's not the same as talking someone through it. There are little things you may see which trigger something, which you never know about if you're talking someone through it, purely because you're not there. Now this isn't to say we can't help, but there is a limit and sometimes you have to know where to stop. For example I'm never going to be a heavy weight champion lifter - some people are. I'm not a gormet chef and I'd never beable to run a restaurant - which is why people go to other people to get these things done.

Now, where are we at? Port forwarding and stuff.
Quote :and enabled the 29339 and 63392 ports for both TCP and UDP for my ip address (same one as before)

"The same one as before"? Do you mean If so thats not correct. It needs to be going to the IP address of the system (read: PC) running the server. To get that goto Start > Run, type "cmd" click ok, type "ipconfig" and press enter, on the PC running LFS.
i have it set to another ip, which i think i statically set. just to make sure i set a static ip correctly, how was i supposed to make it?
It depends on what operating system you're running. The instructions that can be found on this webpage ( are fairly comprehensive and complete.

Basically if everything still works after you changed from a DHCP (dynamic) to a static address then you've probably done it correctly. If you hadn't it wouldn't work.

The quickest way to check if it is statically set is to goto the Control Panel, go into Network Connections, double click on your network connection and then goto the Support tab of the status window that opens up. Under "Connection Status" it should say "Address Type" and it will say whether its static or assigned by DHCP.
mine says "Manually Configured." ive had this "static IP" for about 5 days, and i dont think the dedicated server is working
Quote from JohnBMW007 :mine says "Manually Configured." ive had this "static IP" for about 5 days, and i dont think the dedicated server is working

What makes you think that? If its running do you mind giving us the name of the server so that we can attempt to connect?

Please help with Dedicated Server
(29 posts, started )