Mudflap option
(11 posts, started )
Mudflap option
Mudflap would be a great addon to the cars when racing in rallycross track. Just like the UF1000 which the roof can be removed. Maybe they could be put automatically on when dirt or hybrid tire are on. Anyway, i know rallycross isn't the most popular part of the game, but i think that's why we need some improvements. A WRC version of the RB4 would also be needed in my opinion, but that have already been mentionned. Also, i guess dirt wheels would also be great when using dirt tires. I can't wait to see my rb4 with "compomotive like" wheels and mudflaps! Ill post a quick render of the rb4 on compomotive with mudflap soon enough, only need to finish my wheel in 3dsmax.
Small details like this will probably be left for S3.
Your totally right about that, just like alot of other improvement suggestion around here, we will need to be patient.
What would they do though? AFAIK the car's don't get dirty anyway. Mudflaps in S2 would be unnecessary unless they implement dirt.
Quote from mcintyrej :What would they do though? AFAIK the car's don't get dirty anyway. Mudflaps in S2 would be unnecessary unless they implement dirt.

Dude, it's a great suggestions imo. In the case you describe the roof up/down option is complete bull too.
This is a new and nice suggestion, it would just show off the developers high attention to detail, even for a less-used type of racing.
Quote from mcintyrej :What would they do though? AFAIK the car's don't get dirty anyway. Mudflaps in S2 would be unnecessary unless they implement dirt.

Why have lights that don't work? Why have wipers on the models if they don't work? Why have Wind Turbines on the tracks if they don't generate real electricity?

Because it's not ALWAYS about useful, working stuff... If we had a proper rally car, then I would hope mud flaps, even if they aren't animated at first, are added to the models.
Quote from tristancliffe :Why have lights that don't work? Why have wipers on the models if they don't work? Why have Wind Turbines on the tracks if they don't generate real electricity?

Because it's not ALWAYS about useful, working stuff... If we had a proper rally car, then I would hope mud flaps, even if they aren't animated at first, are added to the models.

Yeah I know that there's alot of things that don't have to be useful, but Mudflaps are such a...I don't know how to say it. But there aren't many rally server's out there. Also, since we don't have a proper rally car..

If there was a rally-dedicated car on LFS, then i'd expect it to have mudflaps. But all too often I see chav's with Mudflap's on their Nova's. It just puts me off a bit.
Um, I think the suggestion is for the future, when we might have more rally features.

Of course, I agree that chavs with bodykits (are there non-chavs with bodykits?) often have them too, which does devalue them, but I think this suggestion was mostly in the correct spirit
Lol im not on the Mudflaped nova side. I just think that a good game is all about details. For sure realistic and useful option are more welcome, but small detail like these make the game looks more realistic in a spectator point of view. No one would race their low-profile tire in a dirt course. In the meenwhile....the wheel is done, just need to put it with the car + add the mudflaps.
Attached images

And +1 to all kinds of ancillary car details
#11 - wark
Mudflaps are just bad aero/hydro and extra weight and do nothing useful in an offroad rally setting. They may be able to keep the exterior "pretty" (sponsors happy?) and maybe save a spectator's eye under a few circumstances on pavement, but...

I'm against flaps in real life (especially flexible ones!) in a racing context, so I'm obviously going to be against them in LFS...

Mudflap option
(11 posts, started )