The online racing simulator
what doi need 4 my pc to make it stay around 75 fps
what do i need 4 my pc to make it stay around 100 fps even with a full grid plz check my attach

plz leave a link to wht i need =)

ty austin
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#2 - Jakg
75 fps with or without AA?
#4 - Jakg
the 8400GS is crap.

Do you have an AGP or PCI-e slot? whats your PSU? Whats your CPU?

EDIT - Re-read your post:

2.8 P4, 1 GB RAM and a 7900GS.

Your GFX card is fine, you just need a better CPU. How about this mobo, this CPU and this RAM. Comes to £112.77 without postage, however you might need a new PSU, and i'd get a slightly (£10 more) better mobo.

AA "smooths" the image so that you don't get the jagged edges. With your card you should be able to do 4xAA, 16xAF easy.
i have now
Crucial 1GB (2x512MB) DDR2 pc2-4200 Dual Channel Kit (CT2KIT6464AA53E

and u stay get this GeIL 1GB (2x512MB) PC6400C5 800MHz Value DDR2 Dual Channel Kit (GX21GB6400DC)

and that is a pc6400 pc-6400

will this matter
#6 - Jakg
erm, i wouldn't mix them, but you could keep your current RAM if you want, although IMO i'd get that RAM (£25 is a GREAT price) and sell the old stuff on eBay, as the newer stuff is a fair bit faster.
ok i was not going to mix i was just thinking it a dff number dont that mean somthing
#8 - dadge
when buying ram, you should always go for the same make and model. i currently have 2x512mb of corsair extreme and 2x256 corsair value ram running in duel channel mode. my next purchase will be 2x512 corsair extreme and put the 2x256 into a mobo and cpu i have sitting around (amd 2600+). all ddr1. but i would not plan on upgrading the ram any further.
do i need ram really then or just cpu and a motherboard
Quote from Jakg :
Your GFX card is fine, you just need a better CPU. How about this mobo, this CPU and this RAM. Comes to £112.77 without postage, however you might need a new PSU, and i'd get a slightly (£10 more) better mobo.

i would do this ^^^^^ i just thought i would say about not mix 'n' matching sticks of ram

p.s. you wouldn't believe what an extra £30 could do for your budget. save for a while longer (maybe until you hit £200) and you will not be sorry you did either.
lol i lose my job soon and i looking 4 a new soo i dont wanna wait ^^
#12 - Jakg
Quote from Austin31287 :do i need ram really then or just cpu and a motherboard

You can use the stuff you have if you want, it will work
wht the ram the other 2 things i mite get =)
There's price cuts from Intel due on the 22nd, so I would wait until at least then before buying a new CPU.
yes np i just wondring wht i need and wht i dont i have to wait til i get paided any way but i wann have liek 75 to 100fps at all times
#16 - Jakg
75 to 100 fps at all times? with that setup you won't get 75 fps at all times, but chances are you have a 60 Hz TFT monitor, so it's pointless having anything more than 60 FPS
60 can go up to 75 hz well i can hit 130 on my own then mutiplayer just wrecks mee
#18 - Jakg
On your own, yes, but with a full grid and that hardware your looking at 40 or 50 fps with 4xAA, but the second some of those cars go you'll be at 60 fps in no time and be having great image quality
yes soo it there really any point in doing any thing and just leave how it is

me trained carpenter 2 i just need a job and i seen were i can get 13 to 14 pound ain hour may just build a new sometime =)
I'd spend my 100 bucks into a typing lesson thought
Processor: Intel(R) Pentium(R) D CPU 2.80GHz

Doesn't D stand for Duo? In which case he already has a dual core processor.
yes that wht i was thinking
i do at times have 80 it just it drops alot
lol soo i should buy new mobo and cpu