The online racing simulator
Help please. what program do you use to follow the race now? spectator doesn´t show the server or do I have to upgrade?
#2 - casdk
Just made the same post lol , maby a mod will delete it

I guess it does not work in the moment because with patch x did the insim code change
spectator doesn't work, so you ahve to use TS
You can see the progress at lfsworld
click on Racers and hosts online , then scroll down for LOTF IGTC and click progress
but after a time it will be messed up because it can't handle long races
Anything new about Spectator program..or is it now allowed to spectate the race from LFS?
#8 - Jakg
#10 - Jakg
Shall it be extracted to the lfs folder or what and is the patch the whole program or i need the first one?
Hm, i only see a black screen and some text. Nothing I can do there
I believe that Spectator and RaceWatcher rely on the LFS relay service. Currently the relay is not functioning. Victor is working to get it back in shape after the insim shakeup.
Thanks for that update, I've asked (in the wrong places/questions) and got no answers till that.
You can read from here to the end of the thread.

Also the Relay section of the LFS desktop has a message that it is currently out of service...