Without LFS....
(13 posts, started )
Without LFS....
After reading some post on this thread i decided to start a new one.

Where would you be without LFS? What effects has it had on your life?

From my point of view i would be as much of a 'computer nerd' as my mates say. I have learnt alot from this community about computers and gaming in general.
I'd probably have a good bit more money as i've spent well over €2k on hardware in the past 12 months (including new PC, wheel, wheel mods etc..).
As far as gaming goes i'd probably still be playing GP3 offline as i had never heard racing games could be played online before LFS illepall

Anyone else?
I'd just still be racing Nascar Racing 2003 as I've never tried it online. LFS was my first online racing (sim racing for 10 yrs since Indycar Racing 2). I might have tried rFactor, GTR, or GTL, but haven't now since I'm happy with LFS.
I'd probably still be flipping back and forth between Racer and NetKar And I'm guessing my GPLrank would be a lot better, too.

<edit>Oh yes, I'd have better grades, too</edit>
I'd quite possibly be engrossed in Neverwinter Nights and various arcade racing games, or indeed be getting some work done. Now there's a novel idea.. o.O
I'd probably still be playing EVE: Online, and hacking on something. Oh, and spending less time on forums
#6 - XRRoy
i think i played other games if i had no lfs...Not all racing sims but also some other stuff like RTS
i played bus cnr on midtown madness 2. that was my first online driving game..still play it regularly..been on lfs from the start..and can conceed that it becomes an addiction, regularly need an lfs "fix" to stay sane :P
Guess would have just about 1-2 hours more free time per day
I am just a beginner in this addiction thing
LFS isn't optional, it's an eventuality.
I'd be playing... #error, divided by zero - LFS must exist
...reboot matrix ...
matrix loaded...start LFS...LFS started

id be passing my courses instead of failing , although recently lfs has losts its spark for me
Would not be tired in the mornings (perhaps). My GPL rank would be better (-0.9) and I would have alot more laps on Nürburgring trying to go negative. My motorcycle would be finished. But I had not know the nice people in the LFS team am in and all other nice people on the forums.

I'd probably gone through my various Texas Hold'em Poker books a lot quicker, and be well on my way to becoming a millionaire through that game...
Can we sue the devs for likely sustained financial disadvantages due to LFS addiction?

Without LFS....
(13 posts, started )