The online racing simulator
Bring Back J.B's Avatar Petition
(81 posts, closed, started )

Poll : Should J.B. have his avatar reinstated?

Yes, it was unfair
No, I hate freedom
How about in an act of protest, everyone uploads J.B.'s previous avatar on to theirs.
He got it back apparently.
So he has. Peace is restored to the world.
Quote from CSU1 :^^ you see tristan if you just ask and not barge in kicking and screaming things get done alot quicker.

Tristancliffe = J.B's biatch

I do find it amusing that you spend most of time on this forum having the bleeding obvious pointed out to you by almost everyone, and then you attempt to lecture me on how to resolve Orwellian Politics.

You don't agree? Fine. You've made your point, now bugger off and race, or go ourside, just like people have been saying in this thread. Me? I've collected a Morgan for restoration this morning, written a brief article on my site, made and eaten my lunch, organised a new storage system for work, loaded my racecar into it's trailer, phoned 4 different countries. It took about 3 minutes of my time to write this thread, and I still strongly object to moderating for the sake of moderating.
#81 - SamH
Aiight you lot, siddown!

Yep, J.B. has his avatar back! It *was* a mistake, there's no point in denying it, but it's been rectified. It would have been back straight away, but it took a few hours to find the thing. I PM'd J.B. at 5:30am today while Franky tried unsuccessfully to retrieve it on the LFS server (yep, waaay ahead of this thread ), and only just got an email from him with the file to re-upload.

FTR, demo users aren't entitled to avatars or sigs. You have to know the whole story to know why J.B. should be an exception - he's S2-licenced. But he doesn't *look* very S2-licenced at all!

Peace is restored, god bless the little children, four legs good.. umm..
This thread is closed

Bring Back J.B's Avatar Petition
(81 posts, closed, started )