The online racing simulator
i think danowat deserves a congratulations for setting this great league up wiv no problems at all
congratulations danowat ...

i wont mention the lil conection cock up wiv 31 instead ov 32 drivers
I love how you said you wouldn't mention something but mention'd it anyway!

Good stuff anyway Dan, must be some hard shiot running a league.
I admined the UXRL for a round earlier in the year, and that had me hot under the collar. I can't imagine trying to get 32 drivers organised though, and then racing yourself aswell. So, yeah, congrats
Thanks really goes to all the drivers for signing and driving so well.

If we didn't have such a great group of drivers in the community, then all the organisation in the world wouldn't produce anything.

They all deserve as much thanks as anybody

Group hugs all round :grouphug:
Awwww :grouphug:
I Think Another Well Done Has To B Given To Danowat Again 4 Such A Great Race ( For Some ) Lol