The online racing simulator
Just one thing I wanted to mention, the first and last name field are entirely optional - but what we dont want to see is names that are clearly internet-handles, i've just emptied out 4 names which were clearly not actually names in any language, but might have sounded cool amongst a crowd of 14 year old alcopop drinkers . So please, if filling in the details put something sensible even if not your actual real name

Thank you
None of the track layouts are loading for me.

Quote from HVS5b :113 x 106 pixels is the half shot
Should be fine?

300 x 283 for the original.
Too big, I know (fnarr!)

Just fyi the size it resizes to is 180*240, so if it doesn't upload you can fiddle the image in Photoshop yourself
Wow 4 pages already, I feel so left out =P Entirely my fault =(
Advice time!... Chris, its easier to see new posts, when the monitor is on, unless being in the Armed Forces gave you some Force to see things that are turned off.
Good Job, Becky & Team!
Seems like something still troubles with the program. I have platinum license, and it wont let me in to Race 2 and Race 3 servers...
BTW...good job, grerat
Attached images
ive been racing this morning and last few races that i drove we didnt get any points

everything else seems ok
Am I the only one who can't join onto CTRA2 and 3? I know I'm only licenced for 2, but everytime i try to join it says "Connection lost", nothing else
What time does the bumpy humpy and single seater servers open?
In addition to that i can't enter password for webpage and other info on the' just don;t store the data.. and points are not counted in races.
Quote from kamo2000 :In addition to that i can't enter password for webpage and other info on the' just don;t store the data.. and points are not counted in races.

There is a a half functional system. Seems not to store any info in database (security shutdown probably) not points not times etc.
The SQL shut down this morning when somebody with an unprocessable character in their player name set a lap record, we've improved the debugging on the SQL stuff so I was able to find it straight away - but I had to wake up first

It's all sorted now.
Pwnage !
The best just got even better

Less talking, more servers, now ! hehe

I'm not the praising type, but you really rule, thanks !
FEw funny things:
- You have competed in: 0 races and driven 147 laps on the CTRA system.

hehe interesting

- i noticed that lfs usus 100% of cpu when on ctra servers only.. not good :/

- also my 120x120 image uploaded is showed badly. I guess it must be 180x240.
We never used to track race entries but we did track laps, so races =0 until you start racing on the new system. There must be 4 cars in race for the race stats to start tracking - but laps & yellows are always tracked (except on Bump & Jump)

CPU usage is nothing to do with me really so I dont know what to suggest there.

We've got a small problem with square/near square avatar uploading I think, I plan to fix it but the priority is low. It might get done today. For now resizing your image first should fix it.
Quote from kamo2000 :- i noticed that lfs usus 100% of cpu when on ctra servers only.. not good :/

without patronising you, fuller server, more CPU usage, iirc you've got a skt. A Athlon (2800?) with a 9700 Pro, so it's not suprising that you get 100% CPU usage, either way it's not bad provided your CPU doesn't cook
Quote from Jakg :without patronising you, fuller server, more CPU usage, iirc you've got a skt. A Athlon (2800?) with a 9700 Pro, so it's not suprising that you get 100% CPU usage, either way it's not bad provided your CPU doesn't cook

Jack i never got 100% usage while on server and lfs minimized. it's 100% only on ctra now. On all others it behaves differently.

Thx Becky for all info . I've upped 180x240 image now
I got the avatar problem too, manual resize work well.

Another bug i've experienced:
I went on Race 2 or 3 (the gtr one) and the program told me that i can't take an FXR or an XRR or an FZR because i must have the bronze license wich i have. I wasn't aware that you need gold license to join. With the UFR and XFR the program told me that i must have a gold license. So i think there is some kind of trouble there.
If somebody can confirme this problem it would be "nice".

Anyway, it's an amazing work wich you've done. Congratulation and good luck for the upcoming event/updates.
I can confirm it, i've seen it in the code and will be fixed in the next update.

You need Gold for GT2, and Platinum for GTR. You can connect to the server and watch with Bronze.
Quote from Becky Rose :but laps & yellows are always tracked (except on Bump & Jump)

How is the yellow flags determined? Number of laps a race when you cause a yellow? My 52% seems very high if it is.
Do the servers now have forced cockpit view?
Because everytime I visit the pits (and leave it) or a race starts my view is reset to cockpit view
No forced cockpit view, that's an LFS setting (goto Options/Views and click custom)

Quote :How is the yellow flags determined? Number of laps a race when you cause a yellow? My 52% seems very high if it is.

The system registers every yellow flag you throw at a maximum rate of 1 per sector. If you have 52%, you are crashing more than you realise.