I've lately been playing around with a free desktop docking program, and decided to make some higher-res LFS icons for it (the default icons are too low res for magnifying). I've done a quick pack... I tried to think of some of the more common LFS related applications, but perhaps there are some more which could go into the pack sometime as well. I'm open to suggestions within reason, for additional icons.
PS. Here's a link to the free desktop dock program I'm currently using. It works very well, but perhaps there are better ones around. One issue with this thing is that it's always active when running a fullscreen game, and if you touch the top of your screen with the mouse, it will kick you out of the game! I guess I will experiment some more... other than that- these dock things are great (edit- I got rid of it). It's so much easier to quickly get to your favourite programs, and helps get rid of desktop clutter.
I've lately been playing around with a free desktop docking program, and decided to make some higher-res LFS icons for it (the default icons are too low res for magnifying). I've done a quick pack... I tried to think of some of the more common LFS related applications, but perhaps there are some more which could go into the pack sometime as well. I'm open to suggestions within reason, for additional icons.
PS. Here's a link to the free desktop dock program I'm currently using. It works very well, but perhaps there are better ones around. One issue with this thing is that it's always active when running a fullscreen game, and if you touch the top of your screen with the mouse, it will kick you out of the game! I guess I will experiment some more... other than that- these dock things are great (edit- I got rid of it). It's so much easier to quickly get to your favourite programs, and helps get rid of desktop clutter.