First video
(8 posts, started )
XRR drifting video
So here is my first ever video footage of me drifting the XRR. I know some will say: not again!. But i don't really care. I like the video, except the near no effect and time involved to make good views aspect.
youtube version:

P.S. pour les francophones comme moi, j'ai ajouter une belle petite toune de pépé à la fin .
Quote from martinofski :So here is my first ever video footage of me drifting the XRR. I know some will say: not again!. But i don't really care. I like the video, except the near no effect and time involved to make good views aspect.
youtube version:

P.S. pour les francophones comme moi, j'ai ajouter une belle petite toune de pépé à la fin .

Not bad, for first vid. You should watch some good drift videos. And try to search better edit program, like Sony Vegas or Adobe Premiere.
I think it`s ok
I can`t even drift with the XRR so can`t talk about style and such, but nice editied movie. Maybe you should try some other music and other camera views, but thats probally only what I want
Nice effort there, my only comment would be to decrease the FOV degrees a few notches as the picture appears stretched and out of proportion a few times. Use small FOV to get good close up drifting shots, and fiddle with the custom view to get some in/on-car shots too.
Thats if you could have got more angle in the corners I love the music....whats it called?
Quote from harjun :Thats if you could have got more angle in the corners I love the music....whats it called?

Techno song #420000000056 ...?
#7 - BIzO
Not bad for first vid.
in The End Vid, it's a French Soundtrack
thanks for the comment about the vid and the advices, actually i only took 2-3 hours of driving and about 1h of trying the do something good with windows movie maker. I got adobe premiere, but i had a problem with it and the car was dissapearing (well sort of). Im not a big movie maker, but i had so much fun with the xrr since a while that i decided to make something to remind me lol.

First video
(8 posts, started )