The online racing simulator
The instant junkyard
(20 posts, started )
The instant junkyard
Bloody ducks
lol, so that's the new running joke, huh?
lol! thats hilarious! All the wheels rolling about thinking "WHERE DO WE GO!! WHERE THE BLOODY HELL DO WE GO!!"
Quote from Forbin :lol, so that's the new running joke, huh?

Its the new waddling joke
2 cars envolved
At least they have realistic damages *runs away*
Hmm, I guess ill give it a go when its released, but it will take another couple of years because the cars have to be fixed
Makes you stop and think the damage a suicidal NASCAR driver could do
Quote from 96 GTS :Makes you stop and think the damage a suicidal NASCAR driver could do

Just watch Montoya on lap 1
Meh, not neccesary to use the crash where Kenny Brack exploded his vertebrae...

Lots o' damage though.

Rfactor - if you're a n00b who still enjoys driving the wrong way.
hmmm i wonder who done that * guess's it was niko *
Quote from theirishnoob :hmmm i wonder who done that * guess's it was niko *

Can't have been Niko, that driver actually missed at least 6 cars, Niko would of hit all of them
Quote from Riders Motion :At least they have realistic damages *runs away*

Didn't look to realistic to me. No flames, not nearly enough smoke, parts just fly off, but are undamaged. I didn't know your whole hood just flies off and lands completely undamged in real life when you crash.
Good watch. Oh the carnage!
I actually laughed out loud when watching this video.

Is there something wrong with me? :|
Quote from wheel4hummer :Didn't look to realistic to me. No flames, not nearly enough smoke, parts just fly off, but are undamaged. I didn't know your whole hood just flies off and lands completely undamged in real life when you crash.

Well its better than what LFS currently has, I am hoping for a simple damage model like RFactors until we get a more advanced one. At least it might stop all the bloody bump drafting! Oh and I doubt i'm not the only one who recognises the commentary.
I showed this to my friends and they didn't stop laughing.

**I meant to post this in the Fork Lift Truck Driver video thread........whoooooooops.
Quote from wheel4hummer :....not nearly enough smoke....

For simulating a NASCAR race, definitely not enough smoke. You shouldn't have been able to see anything about 1.3 seconds into the crashing. NR2003 definitely had very nice smoke. There were times that it looked just like NASCAR where I couldn't see a thing coming around a turn. And the dissipation of the smoke was great as well. You see a car spin, tons of smoke, come around the track to the spot again and you can see the smoke drifting off and dissipating.

The instant junkyard
(20 posts, started )