The online racing simulator
hello....request backfire and smoke
hello everyone, after almost a week of searching i have come up with nothing but links that dont work and 404 errors lol......i have the s2 demo and will be buying the game in a month or so when i have money but i would like to get the smoke mod and the backfire mod....but i cant seem to find please link me to it

search for beackfire mod in the forums. one version of it was made by a woman called "Becky Rose". Her version is very good. Another way you can get a backfire noise is a program called Car Sound Remixer a.k.a CSR. This also has custom engine noise, gear whine noises, road noises, BOV noises and much more. For smoke mod, you can either go onto or search here on the forums.
bump lol i sent a reply to an old thread lols
wow that was a quick reply im not used to it lol thanks for the info i searched but couldn't come up with anything...
none of those links work