Ollie Bridewell fatal crash at Mallory Park :(
R.I.P. good young rider with talent to make it to the top
its a shame to see ollie leave us before his chance at the top
also more of a shame to see ppl post it up without much heart only thinking about a quick post. All ollie gets is a R.I.P and a link. VERY SAD
Mallory park has become a death trap for riders now, hasnt the carnage in the last 2yrs BSB meetings there not shown the organizers thats it needs axeing/changing?
stop the bikes at mallory park for jeez sake

RiP milky bar kid and my heart goes with his family )
Sorry for the quick link, im busy moving house... mallory is a dear circuit for me as ive been around there a few times as its my local circuit (leicestershire),

I just hope his brother keeps racing as he was his team mate, god knows what he is fealing right now.

Stop bikes at mallory? you must be mad... this is clubman's heaven, Go to the plum pudding on boxing day and you will see...... ( and a few cars there)
i live in earl shilton 10 mins from the park and have been going there since the tender age of 5yrs old and ive seen lots of sad incidents, but these new 1000cc bikes are just to big for it.

stopping the bikes is the only way for the track to move forward tbh as that track was one of the best in the 60's attracting the likes of mike the bike and agostini, but could you see rossi and the top stars coming there now???

clubman racing is great at mallory but they can still keep the old layout just buy them god damn fields around it and they can improve runoffs etc

i do hope his brother carrys on as he didnt race this weekend, but i wouldnt blame him if he decide to stop racing.

race of the year was always a good one to watch too
Nice to see a local on here,
I agree mallory is dangerous and the new layout has not done anything for saftey, as they were sayin on the TV, The old layout was faster but safer on the run up to the hairpin, i tend to agree with that,

As for killing off the bikes there, If they were banned i could see it being closed as i tend to rememeber they do quite a few practice days at good prices, my family have been going there for before i can remember so it does hold a big place in my heart, Ive even been around there as a passenger in a f-2 sidecar! pre-new layout that is

as for rossi being there... it would never happen, we are lucky Moto GP is just down the road for us at donninton every year tho
it wouldnt close completely as the track days are still fine aswell as the clubmans series but for the BSB/supersports i dont see them getting the race next year they lost it a few years back and had to put that silly edwin's in to help them get the race back when they should of made better runoffs etc.
sadly the ppl that matter dont want to spend there money to improve whats classed as the best domestic championship in the world on 2 wheels
could a mod plz change the title to something a bit nicer plz?
"sad news from BSB" maybe
#9 - Gunn
Title edited.
Well I suppose the problem with Mallory is where is the space going to come from to extend the Esses run off? I'm not sure what's beyond the fence there but I guess it could be an option, personally if it came to it I think moving the Esses further back down the straight, obviously limited by the lake and using the space taken by Edwina's as run off would have been a better option. I suppose the sting in the tail for Mallory will always be Devils Elbow, nothing you can do to make it safer than soften what you hit. I take it the Esses have been an issue for the bikes in the past, certainly for the cars Devils Elbow is the corner to worry about.
thx Gunn

and yes devils elbow is nasty as i watched chris walkers get off a few years back and he flew higher than the pit trucks in pitlane
but the hairpin is the same place i seen a rider ran over by the whole field when i was a wee 9yrs old and that was half way up to the turn as he hit that little crest, it seems that corner is the one thats fatal even tho devils is the nasty corner
Maybe they could move the whole hairpin down a few yards and make a better/longer run off or add some hi-tech air fence. another option is to bulldoze that barn house and use that land to make it much safer.
as for the esses, edwins was put there to stop these crashes and all it does it cause more. i think the field behind the back straight should be brought and a whole new section added, with all the room they can make the approch to the twisty last sector alot more safer.
If they changed the current Esses they could probably make it still a decent track if they ran the oval corner, which avoids the second Esse, the harpin and Devils Elbow.
All they need to do to devils elbow is get rid of the bumps! yes it has a nasty drop-off but the insane bumps do not help it out one bit.

Air fence great idea, more of it around the circuit would help out loads, espically at the new silly "hotspots"

Its funny how i used to hate mallory due to the lack of corners around the rear of the circuit, Its even worse now with te new layout, i was there at the start of the season this year at a clubmans day, it was amazing how many missed there turning point at the second chicane and just went through the old section of track before the esses, a disaster waiting to happen.

P.s thx for changing the title, i must not of been using my brain that day.
I'm not sure anything short of a major redesign would sort out Mallory. I've ridden my ZX10R round it on a trackday and I hated it. It's too short, it's quite dull as tracks go (it rides like a modified oval) and watching the BSB the other weekend was scary.

I don't like the idea of closing race tracks in principle, but I wouldn't loose a wink of sleep if Mallory closed.
#15 - Mc21
Oh dear, only 21. R.I.P
Quote from FOGlegsy :Sorry for the quick link, im busy moving house... mallory is a dear circuit for me as ive been around there a few times as its my local circuit (leicestershire),

Not Donnington Park?!