MyCTRA E-Mail question
I've had a search around on the forums and at, and couldn't find the answer.
I saw the site states that although optional "your email address is essential if you wish to receive report advisories", i was wondering if the e-mail address when entered is public, or if it's just you guys at UKCT/CTRA that can see it?. I want to be able to receive report advisories, but i don't want my non-spammy/net e-mail addy to be public.

not public as i read in a post earlier, quote me if im incorrect.
#3 - Jakg
Quote from GFresh :I was wondering if the e-mail address when entered is public, or if it's just you guys at UKCT/CTRA that can see it?

Only CTRA admins get to see it, evenwe UKCT guys aren't special enough to see it *sobs*
The email address is kept internally and is not made public. It's necessary to have something in the email field to raise a report as we originally intended to give email notification on reports. As things are working out I am going to speak to Sam about dropping this requirement and working entirely via the ingame and MyCTRA page reporting sections rather than email. It certainly cant hurt to put your details in so that if we need to contact you we can.

As a general note, for now, we are still getting up to speed on the whole reporting system and there's a few things which aren't quite fine tuned yet.
Why not use the LFSworld mailbox
Because nobody ever checks it. I know I dont. When I eventually remember to look in it I usually find about 6 messages several months old, I reply, and get a reply back 3-6 months later...
Just add a note ingame that u got mail @ lfsworld :>
Because reports often involve drivers no longer able to connect to the game. What's bad about taking an email address anyway? It lets us get in contact with drivers when we need too and is an optional field, I dont see any harm in it.
Ok, thanks Becky.

Also, i didn't know there was an LFSWorld Mailbox , i guess that backs up what Becky said

Looks like the current setup is the best way to go. I've certainly no objection to it, anyway.
