Well, a good way to look at it Dan is that when you look at sims like GTR2, GTL and RACE, no one ever got the beta release or if they have, they were just the testers of the game but you didn't go on seeing testers making mods while they were testing, did ya?

. You may think "well, LFS is released" but actually, it isn't quite released or to put it in better terms, finalised

. So consider that the version of LFS we have now is an alpha version of the game, oh wait! I almost forgot, it in facts says "Live For Speed S2
ALPHA" at the start screen of the game

. I'm just stating that I know that if I were in the devs position, still working away at my sim, I REALLY wouldn't appreciate people going round messing with my code to make mods and such because then it'll just complicate things big time.
Don't get me wrong, I totally get your point, I would love to drive the Enzo round Fiorano or drive the NSX round Suzuka *insert drool here

* but I understand why no mods would be allowed. I look forward to the day when S3 is out and hopefully, the devs release their magical tools that they used to make the models, tracks and physics, that will be one funky day.
Can someone make me a promise that if the devs release their tools, to make an F355 Challenge mod? PLZ!!! with a cherry on top?