The online racing simulator
Stealing drivers
(36 posts, closed, started )
Stealing drivers
Hi fellow racers, just after your opinion on something. My team has been recruiting recently and alot of the drivers I have asked to join I have been racing with lots on another teams server as that's where I race. I have always asked them via pm and they do not belong to any team. The server owner then has got really pissed with me and told me that I have stolen them. Am I right in thinking that just because you race on a certain server you are not then OWNED by that server owner/team......

Am I also right in thinking that the best way to get to know good racers for your team is to actually race them???
You have exposed the seedy underbelly of LFS - the illicit trade in human driver slaves.
#3 - Jakg
Yes, your stealing the drivers, because the drivers who drive on their server out of free will not only belong to the server operator, but also the fact they choose to apply for your team and drive on your server out of their own free will means YOU are to blame.

Oh no wait, i'm talking utter b*llocks :P

The only way to get know good team members is to talk to them, racing them is secondary. UKCT aren't made up by the quickest drivers, but we have such a laugh at the back of the grid i wouldn't give it up for the world.
lol @ jakg

BTW, we definitely do not take drivers just on pace, in fact we have some really slow drivers who can still manage to drive clean and be friendly
You'd fit in nicely (j/k i'm not trying to take you as my human slave)

As you said, talk and get to know them 1st is the most important thing, but how are you supposed to do that when they not on your server at the time??? It's called a community IMO
Quote from jasonmatthews :(j/k i'm not trying to take you as my human slave)


Traitors, traitors, spider traitors, they'll betray us, and they'll make us...
Quote from thisnameistaken :SPIDERS!

Traitors, traitors, spider traitors, they will take us, and they'll make us...

spider pig?
#7 - Jakg
I fit in nicely where i am, in a great team based on a group of friends that enjoy talking to each other and playing some games together - i found them via LFS, but we also dabble in BF2, SupCom, etc. I just wish all teams worked this way rather than a checklist of Age, Miles, PB's, Clean Racer = Accepted.

If a server operator thinks your stealing "their" racers they need to understand that drivers are not a commodity that they own (dear god i sound like a minority rights campaigner!) but people who enjoy using that server. if i went on their server and went "z0mg this server suckz0rz!!11!!!! Join xxxxx server coz teh admin is a n00b!!111!!!" i can understand, but if they want to join your team and you want to see how they drive and what they're like i can't really see how you can do this any other way but by stealing them....

Wait, you aren't making a team at all! Your making a cult! And by "drivers" you mean "souls" Well you aren't getting mine, oh no! :hide:

*dons tin foil hat*

Jeez i should really go to bed...

EDIT - Oh Jesus christ Kev why did you link me to Bill Bailey? I've already watched every YouTube vid of him on there today already, now i think i might do it again! Shame most of his "new" DVD's are nothing but old jokes with a new suit
I suspect the server owner is upset because they have the impression that your using their server to recruit racers for your team. If you do not actually approach the people and ask them on their server then there should be no problem.
hiya quicksilver m8, the only thing i have said to anyone is "have you checked your pms", which the last time i checked was allowed in a free society.... And also, for the record, anyone is allowed on my servers to talk about anything as long as it doesn't involve my teammates and is not abusive. I was under the impression that lfs is a community, not some kind of wierd dictatorship where we can't talk to eachother....
Jakg, same thing here, Having fun with your team, and being friends with them should come before racing with them. That's the problem with most teams in LFS is that they are simply a team because they can be a team, and thats why theres so many teams created and destroyed in 30 seconds. If people actually took the time to befriend some guys, then say "ZOMG! LETS MAKE A TEAM!" the state of teams in LFS would be much better.
/me thinks the UKCT need to get a room.
I think most of the main teams are like that, its what a team should be like. My advise Jason would be to not talk about anything involving recruiting on that server, if you enjoy it then you should respect the wishes of the owner to a certain point.
I lol'd at this thread.

Slap that server owner with a large trout.
Quote from thisnameistaken :SPIDERS!
Traitors, traitors, spider traitors, they'll betray us, and they'll make us...

Human Slaves! In an insect nation!


Quote from The General Lee :/me thinks the UKCT need to get a room.

We have more rooms than we need, thats the problem, get 2 of us together, and we have so much to talk about that they need to close threads, and ban people.
easy thing: You're the fastest and a funny/nice guy? Check your pm, you might have a SK contract in it
Actually I've had a problem with this before. A couple drivers left thier teams to join mine, then we ended up with a flame war on one of the team's forums about whether or not ZWR was recruiting amongst other team's drivers.

The most we ever said about joining ZWR was that these drivers would be welcome. One joined because ZWR was actually entering events and doing things, and the other left his team because after participating in an event as a guest driver he felt more like a ZWR member.
It seems a bit of an over-reaction to me. You have the right to ask anyone you want to join your team. I can understand how overt recruitment could get someones heckles up but this doesnt seem to be the case here. After all, you aren't going to load the drivers into the back of a wagon and drive them over a cliff. If they enjoyed racing on a server before they joined im sure they still will after. Yes, they may not be so regular but communities like this live in flux, new drivers will come through to fill the void.

For the sake of harmony though, maybe cool your boots for a while and let the dust settle. Although you shouldnt have to, perhaps try asking the other operator or reaching some kind of entente. A major disagreement is going to be bad for you both i would think so maybe its just one of those times when you have to sigh, grab your ankles and take one for the team.
I'm still not sure how the admin knew you were recruiting. You only said check your PM's? And you didn't actually send a PM to a memeber of that team so I don't really see a problem. Just another grumpy guy or a misunderstanding.

But openly recruiting on other team servers is a no no (techincal term used by professionals).
They knew because my team got bigger...then the new members carried on racing on their servers, only for me to get accussed of taking them away from their servers...go figure

Also, I was told that running the same combo was also STEALING, which I'm sure Scawen would be interested to hear. I assumed when I bought LFS and bought my servers I was allowed to run any combo I choose, without being accused of stealing. I never realised if someone else runs a combo that they then own that, and you are not allowed to setup your server as the same combo. The same person also has said a million times if you don't like their way of doing things, to setup your own and go there, again, go figure
Poor idiots... just let them be. It doesn't look like you'll come to an agreement. Because they'll just keep asking for more.

You are playing LFS just like we do. DAT IZ STEELING!
Quote from jasonmatthews :lol @ jakg

BTW, we definitely do not take drivers just on pace, in fact we have some really slow drivers who can still manage to drive clean and be friendly

Bah, I'm not really slow, just slow is enough
Wasn't on about you Gil, talking about my father
But... He's almost as fast as me!
He uses a wheel, you use a gamepad (at least that's your excuse)
This thread is closed

Stealing drivers
(36 posts, closed, started )