Whatever the reason you write like you do, don't be surprised if you don't get the answers you expect. I've read your last post four times and I couldn't figure out half of what you're trying to say. If you can't be arsed writing in an understandable way (whatever it takes), don't be surprised if no one bothers trying to decipher your fricking code.
Update: oh, BTW insulting people is not one of the best ways to get help either.
If I remember correctly Pitspotter no longer works with Patch X. So you can stop trying. And by the way, you are not dyslexic. Don't use that as an excuse, it's insulting to people who are dyslexic (and they write better than you do, by the way).
If you're trying to use LFSRelax, extract the folder named bin and give it a better name. Mine is in LFS's folder and is named LFSRelax.
Then launch LFSRelax.exe, launch LFS, press T and type "/insim=29999" (without the quotes). I'm not 100% sure it's the correct syntax (as I use to launch LFS from a batch file) but I hope someone will correct me if it's wrong.
You can enable/disable the various functions by editing LFSRelax.cfg. For example replacing "EnableTSView = true" with "EnableTSView = false" would disable the TeamSpeak display feature.
If you need more help with LFSRelax, I'd suggest you to post in its thread.
I dont really know what relevance my post brings to this discussion but I must say from reading your posts Austin that your "english" is the worst I have seen from a person of Britain.
Mayb if yu stop talkin ike diz da peplz wil ep yu mur.
And if you read the posts you'd see that isn't a reason for sloppy English skills. Many members on here are, doesn't stop them writing coherent English.
Wheather he's dislexic or not, i've noticed alot of UK users posting like that...
So if he's not deaf or something like that, than there is no excuse for typing like that... I don't know what's that, some wanna be US gangsta rap slang or something... DAWWG, waZz uP..
now for that reason ALONE, that reason ALONE, i want no part in being British/English. Boris, you couldn't be more right, we are all just Inbreads, its not really our fault
1: Dyslexia has nothing to do with Austin31287's ostensible symptoms. Not even the condition dysgraphia--he wants to write like he does.
2: British or American, there are excellent and poor writers alike (of all ages), regardless of heritage. It is an horrible generalization to think otherwise.
P.S. Deafness has nothing to do with typing, per se. Speaking may be impaired, but not typing . . .
Sure, but it's just that i noticed British posters really stands out of the bunch. I was going to say that a couple of times, but never did.. A lot of them types like Austin, i'm sure others have noticed that. Not even the Americans who actually speaks like that in RL, don't post like that, rarely... There was one guy actually, recently he posted some thread in "Improvement suggestions" with something like "heyyAzzZ, LFS Da BoMMB gamEZ, i want DA engine Replacements YO!" ... something like that..
Just like they speak in movies "Havoc" or "Harsh times"...
But i was really shocked that there a lot of British people with that slang..
I thought so too, but, the thing is, my coleague from work is Deaf, and often when he writes SMS to me, he makes a lot of mistakes, like talking in plural to me, or saying "i'm gonna be lately, instead of "late" but in Serbian, you know.. really a lot of mistakes, and he's 40, so...
If you honestly are dyslexic, i can't comment on it, but the english its self isn't very well laid out, i always thought Dyslexia was something to do with mixing letters up in words... well im sure you can determie the spaces inbetween words, and im sure you know what order the words should come in, to make a senseful sentence..
Also, i have several dyslexic mates, and a few of them are better at english and all things involved (reading, writing, etc) than myself. The way you type isnt because your dyslexic, its your choice to write like that.