The online racing simulator
The time when you get the best split time is when you are just going to miss the cones, hard to explian but i'll try...

When you kinda forget about carrying as much speed and getting the best line, you just drive automaticly, much smoother and truer through the 'corners' and the split can sometimes come up 18.1 or faster.

The second sector is a bigger example of this, if you have a nice clean run through the slaloms after the first split and a nice hairpin your split can usually be a few tenths better than what I have on my time ATM, you try to hard and you still think it's ok but it turns out to be peeeoooop.

If you wanna learn the smooth thing though, watch Misko, watching him drive to how I drive is like chalk and cheese, he's much smoother and gentle, where I just drive it like a stole it. (Basicly)
For you fast guys, do you use the handbrake around the sharp hairpins, or just drive around them?
Well, personally, so far, my best time is 1:22.06 which I did offline!!! :mad:. I think I'm quite spot on when it comes to the first split (usually get 18.4-18.6) but then I lose a TON of time in the second sector where I usually get high 39s. On my offline run, I got 18.61 - 39.03 - 1:02.17 which gave me the 1:22.06 so I think I was going too careful in the final sector because I looked at the splits of zockmachine that day and he got a 1:20.85 when our splits were almost identical.

I found that for the first slalom, I power the car up all the way up to 80 whilst doing the first 2 cones then I lift to drop it around 73-75 and then I hit the power hard again after passing the 2nd last cone to go for the right hander. I notice that I need to go into that right hander with more guts but I'm just so afraid the car will skid a bit and tap a cone . Then, usually for the other slaloms, I like to maintain the fastest speed possible which will keep the rear end in shape and give me good maneuverability to negotiate the cones.

If any of the big guns would be so kind to have a look at a replay that I'll post up soon and tell me where I could gain time and please, don't be afraid to go technical because I like technical details , Thanks! .
Quote from shadow2kx :There is something that make me 'laugth' in a way about the price of the week3 LX Month challenge. It's that this week you can win a wonderfull wheel, wich evrybody would kill to have. But we all knows that's a wheel owner who will win this wheel. Never a mouse owner would be able to win it Even if there is some great mouse racers.

I just wanted to notice that even if i know that there is nothing to do but work hard to try to demontrate that i'm wrong, at least i hope

Note to support my words: Week1, 1st mouse driver: 49th place, Week 2: 66th place ... It's gonna be hard

Will there be another competition sometime for just racers using a mouse? It's basically impossible for us mousers to win this competition.
Well, the gummybears doesnt always get shared evenly
I like the LX-month and hope there will be other special months. I would suggest for next time to make different rankings for wheel, mouse and keyboard.

Well, did a run today, tried to better it but couldn't without hitting cones . I forgot that I needed 2% so I had 1% which shows at the end where the engine cuts out. I would really appreciate it if you could tell me where I'm going wrong . Thanks!
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Leprekaun_AU1_LX4_FINISHED_5.spr - 66.8 KB - 269 views
Well, you seem throttle happy, and like to slide. Which is what made you loose fuel and time (1% was enough for me on every run). And of course, going even closer to the cones and attacking them sooner would help, keep sliding to only on entries when its useful. All pretty basic things, and I'm sure you know all that. I don't see you do anything fundamentaly wrong, just go a bit tighter/smoother/sooner in many places.

I noticed in start of final sector that there's one section that you could straighten bit more and go little faster, and then lots of sliding after that and penultimate corner was very wide.

Setup looks very different to what I use, but Bawbag's is also very different as well. Whatever somebody is comfortable with would work I guess.

There's a bit of luck involved in avoiding the cones, but I like to think of it as confidence. Basically, just don't worry about hitting them, eventually you won't if your approach is right and you get into the rhythm.

Here, I did an offline run, looks pretty calm.

About handbrake for the hairpin, I think its better to use it, most of the time I do. Sometimes I can make the rear slide around just right without it, but usually I get it wrong and need emergency brake. So, I guess its better to plan with handbrake in mind.

Looks like we should see 17s soon. I think Bawbag did 17.77+8 and my best so far was 18.13+8. Very difficult of course and crazy and scary, but very possible if everything clicks together.
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aux3_11877.spr - 81.6 KB - 271 views
Yep, fully agree'd with the smoothman, but just to clairfy, it was 6 seconds!

Valid 59.6 on the last sector, touched the cone on your right after the split, then then clipped another 2 being annoyed at how i ruined it, done the same twice earlier with 59.7's, then I get annoyed and post n the forum instead of trying to imrpoove.
Cheers for the tips Misko! . I'll have a look at your replay later today. I know it seems I like to hit the power hard but the thing is, sometimes, I want the rear end just to skid a small bit to set me up right for the next section (example: after the first slalom and the right hander, the long left hander, I hit the power a bit hard to give me a good line into the 2nd slalom section). I did a mid 1:20 run there which I also have a replay of but I think I hit 2 or 3 cones so in total time was a slower run. I really don't know where I'm going wrong. I'll try to be smoother with the throttle and skid less but then I usually find myself understeering and having to slow down a lot to get the car round the curve. I'll practice at it a good bit today and observe your replay. I really want to be in a winning position for this thing but I really have to get the hammer down in terms of practice as there is only 2 days left now .
Well of course, I skid a little too and everybody else to set the car up for next cone/section (but sliding on exits where you need traction is obvoiusly not desirable). Just take a look and you'll see that you could go a little closer to the cones and attack them with a bit sharper lines. Over about 50 turns the layout has those small bits accumulate to few seconds in the end.
Great lap Misko! , very impressive stuff . I'll have a go again trying to be smoother with the throttle. I notice that your set allows you to do quite some speed into the slaloms(compared to mine anyway ). Now, before any1 starts attacking me , I know that you (Misko) have really drove your heart out there with that run and that setup was only a small factor but at least, please, if you could give me the setup as building blocks for me .
Congrats Bawbag. Enjoy your wheel.
I have to say thanks to all the fast drivers in this contest. You were all very willing to help us slow people improve and it made it alot of fun.
I would say this is some of the most fun I've had with LFS so far.
I'd really like to see the Devs turn this into a monthly competition even if the prize is no more than a t-shirt for 1st with 2nd and 3rd getting skins.
Yep, it's over!

Seems like this week too Bawbag was a hard one to beat, even though some got really close to his time. Well done to everyone and congratulations to all the winners. You'll receive your prizes soon.

I hope you've enjoyed the LX Month competition weeks.

Maybe until a next time
Congratulation on your win Bawbag A G25 is comin your way
#41 - FM67
This one has been fantastic competition. Really I've enjoyed very much tried to do the best lap the latter week.

I congratulate the winners and expect to have a revenge some day.

bye bye

Thanks for a fun and entertaining competition, hope there will be more of those, on other tracks and such
Yeah, it's been real challenging and fun. Hopefully the next one involes more speed...
Quote from Xpowaspa :Yeah, it's been real challenging and fun. Hopefully the next one involes more speed...

And no forced cockpit
Wow, it was close at the top for this last one Congrats Bawbag, hopefully the G25 doesn't mean you'll be even harder to catch now
Good job, Ray.
Holy moly!

I thought for sure I had ruined my chances last night when I couldn't imrpoove, no way did I think this time would hold out!

All day at work i've had this feeling I was getting beaten by 0.01 or something and the time it took to load the results page was killing me!

Thanks for the competition and to everyone who was involved in making it happen.
Quote from Bawbag :Holy moly!

I thought for sure I had ruined my chances last night when I couldn't imrpoove, no way did I think this time would hold out!

All day at work i've had this feeling I was getting beaten by 0.01 or something and the time it took to load the results page was killing me!

Thanks for the competition and to everyone who was involved in making it happen.

Now Bawbag is an Alien with g25

Congrats on winning the price!
Grats Bawbag!

Aren't you feeling bad missing 2nd week's main prize? :P
I have a feeling he could have also won the second week if he wanted.
