Question for the Devs
(42 posts, started )
Quote from BlueFlame :Vykos, so you agree that the damage system sucks?

No, it'sjust not complete.

Quote from Vykos69 :No, it'sjust not complete.


Good you said it, people should know that it isn`t the final product still
It`s still in the heavy editing stage yet
Troll much Blue Flame?

The tracks are great, another one or two would be a welcome addition.

The damage isn't finished, as is almost any other part of the game.
The extreme amounts of commas is because it denotes a pause in someones speech, if i were to read it out loud, a pause would be there , k? i don't care if there is a comma before 'and' . Its free Speech, and free grammar!
Can we get back on topic?

Just wanna see how many people think this would be a good idea really and wether any the Devs think it could possibly happen at some stage
Theres way too much crap dished out to the devs on this forum lately, yes were hanging for new content and for things to be fixed and s2 finalised.

But seriously if i were the devs reading this tripe day in day out i would be inclined to say "f__k these ungrateful wankers i,m walking"

Back to Fandago's idea

big +1 , theres nothing wrong what so ever just submitting designs

Top Idea
Blueflame you havent got any p.b's for AS Grand Prix, Grand Touring, Historic or many reverse configs there, so how can you comment on Aston, when really you are commenting on AS Nat which is 1 config in itself. I sincerely hope you have raced all those configs offline otherwise you might sound stupid.

Think about T1 of AS Nat, this is the first corner on the circuit which is neither flat out nor is it a hairpin. The chicane, is not a hairpin or flatout. Come on man, think a bit before speaking.
i don't really believe that anyone could claim that one track is better than another...

The tracks in lfs present unique and difficult challenges, which in my opinion is is a huge part of why the sim is so good.

@blueflame. what is your definition of a "good" track, it cant have chicanes and sweeping corners in succession?
Quote from loveshark :i don't really believe that anyone could claim that one track is better than another...

The tracks in lfs present unique and difficult challenges, which in my opinion is is a huge part of why the sim is so good.

@blueflame. what is your definition of a "good" track, it cant have chicanes and sweeping corners in succession?

You saying something there mate!
Every track in LFS is difficould at some point, and every track is very uniqe, and they fits for LFS. I don`t think many real life tracks would fit very good for LFS to be honest.
Reason is that we don`t want these huge tracks where you will end up racing all alone all the time, it`s more fun to race on pretty short tracks and have a close and good race
Thats at least what I mean
It would be quite difficult to hold a track design comp, without the tools to do so.

Unless the tracks were just visuals, drawings, a layout, sketch, 3dsmx Scene, and then the winner worked closely with the Devs in realising the finished track.

It wont happen at this stage I dont think - There are no plans to release the track editing/designing applications - and there would be far to much work involved in realsing the finished atrical.

Im not saying that it cant happen - just saying not yet - one day after S3.
In my opinion of course - The Devs may suprise us, but I doubt it...

Improved AI next..... ya ya
Quote :It would be quite difficult to hold a track design comp, without the tools to do so.

Unless the tracks were just visuals, drawings, a layout, sketch, 3dsmx Scene, and then the winner worked closely with the Devs in realising the finished track.

But that is what his suggestion is about.
The topic starter said that it would only be visual, drawings and renders of tracks that people had to make to be in the competition

Of course they would need to be very detailed, and show elevation changes and everything else as well.

I really like this idea, and really hope it would be possible, tho I`m affraight that the DEV`s would think this is a bad idea.
On the other side, if the DEV`s said yes to this they would really prove that they are close with the community, and that we means a lot to them as they do to us
What's gonna happen after S3?
I think it is S4.
You most likely think wrong.

S3 is supposed to be the last stage.
Quote from zeugnimod :You most likely think wrong.

S3 is supposed to be the last stage.

Awwwww I hope not. :yikes:
It has been discussed before.
I think then it maybe will develop further, lets say it may be Called Live For Speed 2

Edit : and btw, after the final stage, if we belive right, the DEV`s will maybe give their tools to us, so we, the communty can develop LFS further into the eternity with new cars, new tracks and generally new stuff
The future is good!

Question for the Devs
(42 posts, started )