I've just completed the last few color variations on the Denso FZR skins. Grab them from HERE
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Wow, that is some amazing work right there.
Quote from Matrixi :My personal FZR skin, based on Xanavi Nismo 350Z JGTC car from '02

Matrixi, nice skin! I do have a technical question for you. I was going to do a similar skin to yours but couldn't acheive a satisfactory "brushed edge" effect you have with the silver paint work. How did you do those?
Smirnoff Red FZR - main sponsor is Smirnoff, secondary sponsor is Alpine. Thanks to Bunta and the Master Skinnerz forum for the template/mask. It's uploaded on LFS World, and the full (1024×1024) file can be downloaded HERE. Any c&c welcome.
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its a great design, looks really hot on the track. Nice one
some of you posted porsche skins... isnt it a ferrari?!
Quote from Firlus :some of you posted porsche skins... isnt it a ferrari?!

No it's a FZ50 GTR (fictional car)
As far as physics, it is a Porsche 911 GT3. Displacement, weight, power, torque, gearing, all match exactly.
Quote from STROBE :Smirnoff Red FZR - main sponsor is Smirnoff, secondary sponsor is Alpine. Thanks to Bunta and the Master Skinnerz forum for the template/mask. It's uploaded on LFS World, and the full (1024×1024) file can be downloaded HERE. Any c&c welcome.

GREAT skin man!
Quote from ZED28 :Matrixi, nice skin! I do have a technical question for you. I was going to do a similar skin to yours but couldn't acheive a satisfactory "brushed edge" effect you have with the silver paint work. How did you do those?

I guess you're talking about the "metallic" look silver, it was actually a bitch to get it right. Look in to the skin file itself and you see I made a layers that graduate from light gray in to a little bit darker gray, that made the silver part of the skin look somewhat like silverish.
skins for the public
hiya guys

got some valentino rossi skins for you guys to use if you a bike fan

enjoy and hope to see people wearing them

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FZR_Yamaha America.jpg
FZR_Yamaha Japan.jpg
My Ultimate skin (feedback welcome

I've just finished my skin:

I was inspired by my avatar

The skinning technique may be simple, and I probably did some mistake but..

I'm very proud of it :lovies3d:

In fact I started to create it when the first alpha version of S2 viewer was released, but the difficulties make me finish it very lately. Photoshop was hard to learn lol. I thought I would never finish it but when someone is determined, he can accomplish many things

I'm afraid to share it since it was a very hard personal work, but it would be egoïst to keep my treasure for myself. If there's enough positive feedback, I would find a solution
It's obvious that you've put a lot of work into that, the patterns align nicely, and that's probably a bigger achievement than making the patterns themselves.

In terms of technical achievement, you ought to be proud of it, in terms of personal taste, well, it's not really something that makes me go wow!, but hey you like it and that's reason enough to ignore me

Well done....particularly if you didn't know a great deal about photoshop when you started making it, and if it took you THAT long to make it, then it's certainly been worth it....now go make another
Thanks a lot!

Yes, the theme is quite "weird", but I assume this fantaisy

I think I'll adapt this skin to the FZR car, there's not many heavy modification to do, and I think it will suit better than the FZ5

I only hope that next patches will not modify the texture mapping
holy shit thats a nice skin, it is the ultimate skin lol
Ford Skin
Im a mad Ford fan so I have made a Ford skin. Its based off a picture on one of my t-shirts and I think it came up alright. Probably needs a bit more work yet tho...

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Castrol Supra
Castrol Supra

Get the skin HERE
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Here's the black version of the Castrol Supra...

Get it HERE
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Great work ZED! Wicked renders too
Is it public? And if it's public, where can i find it?
Soo...nice skin
since you are from America you should be able to understand then english language
we should not forget the 56K user

your skins are great

Quote from Victor :Post skins here for the: FZ50 & FZ50 GTR

  1. ONLY Post Finished Skins
  2. If you have a screenshot, please post the skin file also (not a requirement, but would be nice).
  3. If you have the files hosted elsewhere, please DO NOT use [IMG] tags for screenshots, etc. It will make the thread load slower for 56k users.
  4. Try to keep the chatter to a minimum, new people are viewing this thread to find themselves a nice skin, they don't need to scroll through pages of text to finally find something. If you want to comment on someone's skin, that is fine, but please... everyone is exploring their own creativity and personal tastes, so be supportive.
Thank You, and happy skinning! :cool:

Quote from GloryJ :@ZED28
since you are from America you should be able to understand then english language
we should not forget the 56K user

your skins are great

Nah, I understand English just fine - just bending the rules is all. But you have a point, I'll post links instead which will never get looked at!

FZ Skins (All)
(2565 posts, started )