The online racing simulator
Show me the way(to improve my times)
Hi all ok, i have just started driving the big GTR's properly after all this time with the game lol and i love the FZR and am learning tracks as i go.

attached is a 10lap replay in SP of me on AS3(yes...THAT track) and in it i set my best time of 1:44.04(not tht good really and its lap 7 btw) i want you great people to tell me how i can better my self and achieve faster times.

thank you for reading

Im using a set i got off the forum.i cna post it if moi would want it.

[GLOW] Jason_AS3_FZR_1^c44.04.spr

Right im off for a curry shall be back soon =] thanks again
Attached files
[GLOW] Jason_AS3_FZR_1^c44.04.spr - 422.5 KB - 163 views
Sorry, I can`t help you, from what I remember is my allready drives faster than me =(
lol well thanks for replying anyway-means i can reply and put it back at the top of the last posted in topic bit(for a bout 3secs) =] ehehe
120+ views and only one person decided to reply =( thort this was a community that helped each other
#5 - xt
cant say nothing
The key is just practising
Yes always practice! I had Venus help my laps times at AS2/FOX from low 1:03s to high 1:01s. Keep going you'll get ther.e
#9 - arco
Use more of the tracks width as far a I can see. For example before the left corner approaching 1st split, you're mostly in the middle of the track, causing you too loose speed. You're also a bit cautious through the chicane before the finish line. I bet you can shave off 0.5 second there by going faster.
yeah i cant seem to get that last corner right-its killing my laps so i have to go frew like iv ran outa petrol =[ mor offline play then.

=] thanks for replying ppl
If you don't get the last corner right it kills the current lap AND the next one!