The online racing simulator
Kicked for spectating and not racing / race is full
This is sort of annoying.

I was on the Single Seater server for about 15 minutes waiting for an open race slot. Never got it. Suddenly I start getting warnings for not racing. Still getting "Race is full." Then I get kicked. Result = "host is full."
#2 - RiGun
been there, its quite annoying if you get kicked while waiting for someone to leave and get a spot in the track, maybe the auto kick feature should be adjusted to kick spectators in 25-30 minutes.
Or to simply not do it while the race is full.
Aye is annoying, but like Becky said last night to me "live isnt fair".
I think the system doesnt need to be changed. I have tested it last night several times. It start working after 5 races. Normally you would have the opportunity to join in.
Thats not true i think. it's time based is my guess. Another note would be
If race is full i am harming nobody spectating. Its not like the person that joins after i get kicked can suddenly be part of the race. Spectating is also part of learning track and car. I agree that you cant be allowed to spectate forever. But a race can last up to 15 minutes.
Well its off course pending on time, your right. I tested it during a short track with 3 laps.
The time will be increased in a coming patch. The system was introduced when we had less spectator slots available and has not been adjusted to allow for the larger population we can now have on the servers.
Great... I personally sometimes just like spectating. Would be nice to inform people about this (spectate timer?). Another thing that might be handy and should be programmable now is that the menu is always accessible via mouse. Still people asking about the fuel and which track is running. maybe this will prevent it?
Quote from SpikeyMarcoD :Great... I personally sometimes just like spectating. Would be nice to inform people about this (spectate timer?). Another thing that might be handy and should be programmable now is that the menu is always accessible via mouse. Still people asking about the fuel and which track is running. maybe this will prevent it?

There is the education part. If people are asking about how much fuel i always tell them to see the GUI. All those new racers need to learn this and it will take time. We all had to learn now dont we?.
The problem with the fuel system is it is based upon submitted data, and if there is one thing that has come to fruition since launch is that the submitted data is often a complete load of

Anyway as I was saying, it relies on the honour system, and I should have known better.

I suspect I will be turning my attention back to the fuel estimation system in the not too distant future.

Part of the problem too, is that the HPR Network is an existing web site that is also getting screwed by phoney submissions, and it's outside of our own control. Those stored on the CTRA database we can edit, we can also see who submitted incorrect values, so any tracks where this figure is wrong we'd like to know about so we can trawl through the database and remove those entries and - if necessary - warn those drivers.

One thing that is going to happen very soon I think, is that to submit fuel data a driver will need to have a silver / national A or blue top licence.
#13 - Jakg
Quote from Becky Rose :Part of the problem too, is that the HPR Network is an existing web site that is also getting screwed by phoney submissions, and it's outside of our own control. Those stored on the CTRA database we can edit, we can also see who submitted incorrect values, so any tracks where this figure is wrong we'd like to know about so we can trawl through the database and remove those entries and - if necessary - warn those drivers.

Could there be some way of reporting a dodgy one? on some track (i think it was BL1R/FOX) it was saying 4.5% a lap when it was closer to 1.2% iirc.
Quote from niels1 :There is the education part. If people are asking about how much fuel i always tell them to see the GUI. All those new racers need to learn this and it will take time. We all had to learn now dont we?.

I usually do too, but apperantly not all the drivers are aware they have not joined just any server.

On the fuel upload: dont know if it still screws up the , or . switch?
I am used to using the , while it seems to expect the . however it does not do an input control.
It has replaced , with . on any submitted value since the day I spotted people using commas which was very soon after launch.
OK then it must be complete, so called fun of reporting wrong values.