The online racing simulator
You know when you played too much LFS when:
- your mother angrily switches off the computer (happened to me once)
- your eyes are dredgy
- someone calls you a "F** get off the road!"
- your engine sounds 'BOBOBOBOB' :haha:
You know when you played too much LFS when....
You start bragging to your friends you lapped Jeff Gordon in the Kyoto Nights server.
Quote from banshee56 :You know when you've played too much LFS when you....

...injure yourself like I did 1 year ago and one of the first thoughts is..."Oh man, I won't be able to drive in this week's league race!"

WARNING for injury pics:

Banshee's hand injury

could have used that for patch V lol...
anyway, you know you have played LFS to much when you tell your mates at school that you have a G25 and say its set to 90degrees ingame
I know I've played too much LFS when I surf forums while stepping on my pedals and rubbing my belly on the wheel.
- When some **** cuts you off in traffic you shout out "Press 1 for NOS!!!" in a feeble attempt to ban him.
More from me...

You know you've played too much LFS when...
- You have a driving lesson in 5 hours and is preparing for it with XFG @ SO
- Your MSN away message is "Not here, LFS'ing"
- Your MSN screenname has something to do with LFS in it
- Your avatar/signature on a different forum is LFS related
- You walk into a Ferrari showroom and ask for the crack for all cars
- You run a red light and give yourself a stop-go penalty
- You call going to Welcome Break off the motorway a Pitstop
- You see someone cruising in a better car than you and ask if you can rent it
- You call Master Skinnerz to paint your real car
- You call a Mini a UF1
- You saw a Starion the other day and shouted "OMFG A XRT"
LOL! Good ones

Few more from me:

You know you've played too much LFS when:
You look at the rims and say 'damn, gotta install patch V for that'
You see a car thief and think 'Cracker!'
You crash into somebody and look for the shift+s key
You wake up in the morning and you drive your toothbrush along the bath making engine sounds
You buy food and write '!pay' on a slip of paper and hand it to the cashier
You go to a race meet and look for the 'join race' button
You go to the toilet and call it a 'pitstop'
You take your car to a tuning place and say 'Did you install LFSTweak on it?'
When somebody cuts you off, you say (or shout) 'OMFG n00b, learn to f*****g drive!'
You regard taxi drivers as demo n00bs
You regard truck drivers as beta-testers


...when you lose a league race and commit suicide
Quote from br0nd :haha...

...when you lose a league race and commit suicide

1,763 views, my first post ^^ that comment OP
You know you've played too much LFS when...

You go to the cinema and think to yourself, I want to play LFS on this screen!

I done that tonight and then I felt a tiny bit of shame and actually wanting to play lfs on that screen!1
You know you've played too much LFS when:

You scream "F@!&ing wrecker!!" when a Max Payne badguy shoots you ...
when your pedal brakes
Quote from The General Lee :You know you've played too much LFS when...

You go to the cinema and think to yourself, I want to play LFS on this screen!

I done that tonight and then I felt a tiny bit of shame and actually wanting to play lfs on that screen!1

lol, i think the exact same thing(without the shame)

You know you've played too much lfs when... any cruise server you have all the cars...
You know you've been playing LFS for too long...
I can't believe this thread hasn't existed before... so here we go.

You know you've been playing LFS for too long when...

- You repaint your car every other week.
- You drive mixed compound tyres on the rear axle of your hatchback.
- You shout "set please" whenever someone with the same car overtakes you.
- You floor the accelerator-pedal while waiting at the traffic-lights.
- You hit shift-P after accidents.
- You forget cruising around you actually lose money instead of gain some .


go on, fellows...
You know you're too short on the forums...
when you realise there is an existing thread with the same bloody topic and you couldn't be bothered to search.
Ouch... Just a question as it pops up on my computer: am I the only one who gets a screen showing threads that have been posted before? It pops up whenever I go to make a new thread...
It's not a bug, it's a feature.

It should prevent you from creating a thread on a topic that has already been discussed.

However, it doesn't work always as you can see in this thread.
When you say to people who crash "SHIFT-S!"
When you see someone speeding and you say "spec 5 minutes please"
haha.... 1:0 for the search function...
When you sit in school and move your feet like you're driving Aston Club/FOX!
u know u've played too much when after a real race you think it would be a good idea to turn around and drive the wrong way for a laugh
U know you've been playing too long when you see Yuji Ide crashing someone and you reach for your bind that says 'Crasher plz press 1'
In before sarcastic mods locking this comedy trainwreck.

My best guess for finishing punch line: 'You know you've been a moderator for too long when you lose count how many threads like this you've already seen.'

You know you've played too much LFS when...
(494 posts, started )