It seems a little unfair that the people with the higher license points (me being one of them) get to start the race at the front of the grid each time.
It makes it so much easier for us to get the top points each time. Could it be changed so we have to start at the back or make it random?
Currently there is no reward in bump and jump, it's important that a high licence is rewarded in some way even if it's just grid position - because it is possible to deflate licences by repeatedly joining.
I agree with the way it's done at the moment. There is also the fact that in Bump and Jump races it is sometimes exceedingly difficult to fight one's way up the field - and higher-licenced, more experienced racers should not have to jostle with the brand-new drivers for no fault of their own. I think calculating grids by licence points a good idea that works well.
Not so sure, at least you dont have to struggle to get upfront. If you are a good racer doesnt mean your able to get up front. Look at the carnage at the start. If your further back you have to get past all that. And with "noobs"on track it is even more difficult.
niels is right with that, and it makes more experienced racers have to make a lot more passes - which could make them reckless and over-offensive, just trying to finish well.
I know what u r saying Niels. My thought would be to have a server slightly less in size (nobody has to sit and spec seeing full race!!!). Have a second server for bump for the more advanced licenses, again with a slightly reduced size to current one.
If you reverse the grid, it will make the more advanced drivers go play on the higher licensed server.
Also, its more fair to those trying to get points to progress.... Just trying to think ahead and make it more fair for the masses!
Well nothing wrong with reversing grid. I like the idea with a server for higher license. I just had a few quick races tonight and it was like hell. I couldnt get from a 5th starting grid place through the first corner coming up 12 or even worse.
I watch the replays tonight and the newer racers dont even bother to breake at T1. Just barch in a car in front and take some places that way.
I certainly dont want to fill out any reports every time i do a couple of laps. But this way takes the joy from driving on bump and jump. The general idea seems to bump and jump is crashing your opponent out of race.
So I like your idea stable but on a different server for higher licensed racers. That way the wreckers and crashers are shaking off.
There is only 1 bump & jump server, so we cannot have a licence entry requirement. We have no plans to introduce a second server at this time.
It has not gone un-noticed that almost all reports for bump & jump concern drivers who are at the very back of the grid. Therefor it stands to reason the big problem is education rather than disrespect - drivers who are new to the format either dont read the $rules and $about pages, or dont understand them.
You guys can help here too by teaching and explaining the concept to new drivers, rather than scream at and abusing them.
It's your call.
On the subject of low driving standards: Currently we have about 40 or so reports in queue, although most of the bump and jump ones where cleared today.
We do 24/7 adminning via the report feature, but as it happens I have spent a significant amount of time on the server since launch (I want a star grade licence before I get National A on the single seaters).
This is a bit of a pet hate of mine... If you're going to complain about 'having' to watch a full race, I'd like to remind you that you don't have to be in the server at all
And would you like to have to wait a race or so to get onto the track, or sit there on the main server screen failing to get into the server at all?
Sorry, I just think people complaining about that are being very small-minded
I think scream and abusing isnt the way. I am a big fan of education. But the thing is that the majority of racers think differently abot the Bump & Jump server.
Somehow the think its about wrecking and crashing your way up through the field. Nothing wrong with a little nutch now and then but when people dont use breaks at all at T1. I know fill out a report.
Yesterday I had a disput with a racer. He just didnt use breaks at T1. Therefor he knocked several out in T1. When I told that this wasnt the way he said you can give racers a push. And off course he told me he did use the breaks. Because he said it is a Bump & Jump server.
I left it at that point, i didnt want to debat during a race.
But like you said the majority of reports are from the Bump & Jump server. So could it be that the rules on the Bump & Jump server arent clear ?
Are they compare it too much with a banger server ?.
Sam I think you took it the wrong way. StableX meant by using 2 servers the waiting for a race would be less. It has nothing to do with complaining in my point of view. By the use of 2 server the higher licensed driver are on a different server and know there way around. I think that is what StableX meant.
But like Becky said there are no plans for another server Bump & Jump. Or for that matter a license requirement.
The rules are clear, the problem is that every person here has at least 30 manuals for domestic appliances and over 100 software manuals they've never read.
On the CTRA we put the rules up on screen the moment a driver connects to each server type for the first time, they have to agree to those rules in order to play.
Unfortunately, agreeing and reading & understanding are different things when it comes to 'manuals'.
I've agreed to many more EULA's than i've ever read.
However, it does give us substantial weight when it comes to dealing with reports, if a driver has agreed to our terms of service. It's not like the rules are hidden away on a supporting web site.
no complaint at all and no offense taken. Sorry if I wasn't clear. Lucky that Niels is on hand to be my translator
Becky, you spend a huge amount of time on the bump server and its greatly appreciated. It's very difficult for someone not an admin to try to "inform" those that are try to take you out rather than bump of the rules. You usually get a mouthful back. That was all....
Just to rub it in, they're only five miles down the road
Here comes the massive debate on which crisp is the best... Look what you've done! Hehehe... Might as well join in
Walkers Sensations, the best, no error.
Nope, he's just insane and trying to find something to hold against me