Swearing? List of words?
Hi, is there a list of words that arent allowed on the CTRA servers?
I just got a note that I was kicked for swearing, so I'd like to know which words aren't allowed.

(it started with somebody saying "nob" and was kicked. I'n not english, so I asked if he was kicked for saying that, and what it meant. It appears to be spelled with a K in front. You cant expect me to know all the slang english swearing and dirty words... )

On the other hand: I changed my nickname to nob, and Andrei's auto welcome got him kicked by saying "welcome nob"
To make things worse I got that JOOS message, got disconnected and automatically reconnected before I could change it. So he got kicked again

If the list of forbidden words is known, maybe the auto welcome could use that as a filter... I could have got him banned just by connecting a few times..
It might be worth adding that you meant to type 'noob', anyway

I'm not really sure whether I think the list should be known or not - if it's not, accidents like this can happen, but if it is, everyone who wants to swear will know how to get around the filter.

Although, the automatic welcome message getting Andrei kicked probably isn't fair

All swear words and insults are against the rules as detailed in the $rules you all agreed to. I do appreciate that the circumstance above is, well, somewhat amusing but is an example of the system not working as intended. We've done our best to avoid those circumstances, but there will always be an exception.

The problem I have in listing the words is, well firstly I think the post here would need deleting, secondly is that of semmantics, a lot of people are dodging the swear filter deliberately - I take a very dim view of this personally.

Some drivers are so foul mouthed to their fellow competitors that there's been about 3 people now who i've applied a 1 day ban too just to give them a chance to cool off. These are examples of the swear filter not working when somebody knew how to defeat it.

The main thing we want to avoid with our swear filter is demonstrating that we dont view personal insults as acceptable. If you cant deal with a driver maturely then either take a break or raise a report, this is the important thing.

The swear filter doesnt have to be effective to do it's job, it simply serves as a reminder that some kinds of behaviour are not appropriate in a 'family entertainment' environment, and just because you can evade the swear filter does not grant you the right to do it.
Quote from Becky :the circumstance above is, well, somewhat amusing

Very restrained of you... I'd say he got owned

So, now I see - the swear filter isn't supposed to actually stop swear words being displayed (it doesn't do that even if it catches you, now I think about it), it's just there to remind you that you should not be using words like that? Fair enough.

Last night I was kicked for saying "fick släppa av lite på sista varvet" which would translate into something in the lines of "in the last lap, I had to lift off a bit". Someone pointed out that "fick" is rather close to the english slang term for intercourse, but then I realized that it's the actual word in german.

Though I guess I had it coming for speaking ikean in the first place! Right, Dustin?
I see your point of not publishing the list...
Does the list contain non-english words as well? I think I saw somebody being kicked for swearing in spanish.

And is there a need for a list? You could report somebody for swearing/improper language, isnt it?

For now, i'll use it for educational purposes. My english isnt that bad, but still I learned a new english dirty word, thanks!
Quote from Dark Elite :Very restrained of you... I'd say he got owned

So, now I see - the swear filter isn't supposed to actually stop swear words being displayed (it doesn't do that even if it catches you, now I think about it), it's just there to remind you that you should not be using words like that? Fair enough.


i will end you haha
I do recall someone getting kicked for calling someone else a "setup whore" yesterday. lolz...
Quote from Andrei :i will end you haha

Hehe.. I said it at the time, several times, so I'll stop now

Quote from riffey4 :I changed my nickname to nob, and Andrei's auto welcome got him kicked by saying "welcome nob"

Great technique for creating a place for yourself on a full grid.
Im always swearing, real maturity is where you don't get offended by someones words, i always thought that was a childrens thing 'mummy he called be a bobo' that kind of thing, its only a bad word, if you are taught that it is, as riffey has just proven, he didn't have a clue what nob meant and although im english, to a certain extent, neither do i.

Its just like the Dutch take the word 'cancer' alot more seriously than any other nationality, because in their culture, its a bad word not just a name for a disease.
dont say the word NIELS - instant ban -
Real maturity is when you don't feel the need to swear, and therefore don't offend those that don't like it. Immaturity is when you swear on the basis that it doesn't offend you and therefore won't offend anyone else.
Quote from tristancliffe :Real maturity is when you don't feel the need to swear, and therefore don't offend those that don't like it. Immaturity is when you swear on the basis that it doesn't offend you and therefore won't offend anyone else.

Swearing has a time and place, there are times when 'fiddlesticks' simply doesn't convey the intensity of feeling across.

If someone goes into a pub when there's a football/rugby/darts match on TV, and is offended by the swearing. Then they have to seriously wonder if the pub is the right place for them to be at that time.
I agree with Tristan and Beano here, but after observing behaviour between drivers i've decided that the time and place to swear is not when racing in LFS - because it raises tensions and lowers the tone of the whole server. Hense the swear filter.
would an auto staring system be poss
#17 - Jakg
Quote from DeadWolfBones :I do recall someone getting kicked for calling someone else a "setup whore" yesterday. lolz...

I said "bye, i'm off to forum whore!" and the system handily disconnected me :P
Quote from Becky Rose :I agree with Tristan and Beano here, but after observing behaviour between drivers i've decided that the time and place to swear is not when racing in LFS - because it raises tensions and lowers the tone of the whole server. Hense the swear filter.

Oh, btw... I heard somebody say "smeg" on the server just a few minutes ago... I didnt know what that meant, so I looked it up (always eager to learn )

Could you get that person banned? Coz I found what it means

(and I dont think she meant: a transliteration of the Greek word σμήγμα for soap)
I´ve got kicked several times for calling Zeugnimod a points whore. I just call him a hwore now.
Quote from riffey4 :Oh, btw... I heard somebody say "smeg" on the server just a few minutes ago... I didnt know what that meant, so I looked it up (always eager to learn )

Could you get that person banned?

Well, it was OK to say it on the BBC, but then it was OK to say "Feck" on Channel 4.
Quote : Could you get that person banned? Coz I found what it means

Smeg isn't considered a swear word in English, oddly given it's meaning. So you can smegging smeg all you smegging like on the smegging CTRA smeggy smeg of a smegging server.
Quote from Becky Rose :Smeg isn't considered a swear word in English, oddly given it's meaning. So you can smegging smeg all you smegging like on the smegging CTRA smeggy smeg of a smegging server.

That reminds me of Red Dwarf

Does the swear filter also see past b***h and s**t for example? Or $**7? I dont tend to swear during races so I havent been disconnected on that basis much
Quote from BlueFlame :Im always swearing, real maturity is where you don't get offended by someones words, i always thought that was a childrens thing 'mummy he called be a bobo' that kind of thing, its only a bad word, if you are taught that it is, as riffey has just proven, he didn't have a clue what nob meant and although im english, to a certain extent, neither do i.

Quote from Tristancliffe :Real maturity is when you don't feel the need to swear, and therefore don't offend those that don't like it. Immaturity is when you swear on the basis that it doesn't offend you and therefore won't offend anyone else.

+1 what Tristan says here.

So, you're hanging out with your buddies at the bar (pub) or at work and the swearing is flying left and right. Yeah, that's perfectly fine. Now, imagine you're at the store standing in line for something with children around. Do you think it's appropriate to trashtalk your mouth off around children? Well, there are quite a few children here playing with LFS.

Yes, you can argue, "Well, they're gonna hear and learn it anyways. The kids nowadays talk like that already...." Sure they are going to hear and learn it. Why is that? Because of people who have the mentality like you have just presented yourself. Yes, when I was young, I swore and cussed. Was I respectful when I was around adults as a youngster? Sure was. Am I respectful when I'm around children now as an adult? Sure am.

I am especially appalled when I'm in the parking lot somewhere and over hear some mother yelling at their kids.... "Get in the F'ing car now before I beat your a** right here in front of everyone..." Just simply discusting how someone could talk to their little kids like that. And I'm talking I've heard mothers yell at their 4, 5 years olds like that. Really makes me want to walk over there and do something that I couldn't allow the children to see, if you know what I mean.....
Quote from mrodgers :+1 what Tristan says here.

Now, imagine you're at the store standing in line for something with children around. Do you think it's appropriate to trashtalk your mouth off around children? Well, there are quite a few children here playing with LFS.

Its wrong for people to teach kids these are bad words JUST because THEY believe they are.
A word is a word, all 'swear/curse' words are slang, thats why i like Dutch in particular, cos insults are more phrase based, rather then just YOU ARE A -----.

I don't swear infront of kids when im out they do it themselves, where i come from, its your accent to swear. Its kinda sad, people just agree its a bad word, just cos they were told that from when they were yay big, and they sit there and take it. When i swear on LFS, its usually because im angry at someones stupidity and if i was at a LAN with this person, i wouldn't bother swearing, id get out of my chair, take of my headphones, walk over to them and repeatidly punch them in the face. Like a REAL man. Whether they are 14 or 40, it wouldn't matter to me. After all if you want simulation, a big enough crash threatens your life, so you need to show that person what life means and life means pain.
(srdsprinter) DELETED by srdsprinter : bah, wasting my time here
Quote from mrodgers :Yes, you can argue, "Well, they're gonna hear and learn it anyways. The kids nowadays talk like that already...." Sure they are going to hear and learn it. Why is that? Because of people who have the mentality like you have just presented yourself.

So you'd rather those words just died out completely? Good luck - they've survived for centuries despite their taboo nature because they are remarkably popular and versatile words.

What irks me is the assumption that they are purely the domain of oafs and cretins. I have a pretty broad English vocabulary myself - probably more so than 99% of the population - and yet I'd rather swear when a swear word is appropriate than resort to contrivance and employ an alternative.

Quote from BlueFlame :When i swear on LFS, its usually because im angry at someones stupidity and if i was at a LAN with this person, i wouldn't bother swearing, id get out of my chair, take of my headphones, walk over to them and repeatidly punch them in the face. Like a REAL man. Whether they are 14 or 40, it wouldn't matter to me.

But I have to say it's a shame that my only support for these sadly maligned members of our language comes from this pea-brained ****head above. Yeah, punching people in the face is a really manly thing to do. :rolleyes: