This is straight from the rules of uploading skins on LFSW:
Rules and regulations:
DO NOT upload skins which contain offensive images!
If a skin that contains nudity, pornographic, racist or any other extremely offensive content is uploaded, the skin(s) will be removed without notice and you will no longer be allowed to upload skins here.
The female on the bonnet is acceptable, however, the one on the side is not IMO. I'm just stating this not "to name and shame" but for the welfare of klid so that he doesn't get his licence taken away or get in any sort of trouble with the devs or mods. I'm not sure if these skins have been reviewed but I feel like that if the devs or mods saw that skin, they wouldn't approve it. Thats my personal opinion and I advise the devs to look into it and perhaps before they notice, klid to take away his skin.