I hope no one takes this personal. I see fanboyism here. True, LFS is the best sim, but some of you talk as if any kind of improvement would be wrong.
Sampled sound are A LOT better than syntetic ones. I guess those who oppose dont know about sampler for music? Syntetic sound of instruments, say a violin, are awful. If you want the sound of a violin you need to sample it and then integrate some algoritms to change the form of the wave to resemble a real player. FYI, the music of some movies and games are done this way, even when we hear a full orchestra.
Every sound in LFS should be sampled. End of discussion.
Regarding graphics, the light effects on LFS are really dated and need to change to dynamic. Textures could be improved too.
Note that I recognize the effort of the creators of LFS, they have done an admirable work, but still I do wish they had the resources to improve the game.