The online racing simulator
I used to have these problems... but I fixed it by deleting the old drivers completely and downloading the new ones. I think it's because the video card is still somewhat "hung up" on the old driver? I don't know haha
#52 - J.B.
I just installed the newest ATT Beta from here.

Now I only need to reapply the AA/AF settings when I use shift-F4, not after every single start of LFS.
I am having similar problems with an Nvidia setup. I setup a profile in the CP but the AF just wont kick in even though the AA is working fine ??

Are there any remedy's for this? also I occasionaly get an errror message 'is LFS installed correctly?'
#54 - J.B.
Quote from Me. :I just installed the newest ATT Beta from here.

Now I only need to reapply the AA/AF settings when I use shift-F4, not after every single start of LFS.

7.7 drivers seem to have fixed all AA/AF problems for me (together with ATT beta).
Wow... bumpage... FTL...

Just Got a X1950Pro, upgraded from a X850XT which had No Problems with regards to AA/AF running the omega drivers.

BUT Now,
No AA/AF from Omega, Cat 7.9, Warcat, Cat 7.4...

Found the solution running Max Quality Profile with the ATT... Had no idea this issue existed... sucked trying all these drivers not knowing what was causing it.