The online racing simulator
Nuclear waste disposal a problem? Dump it in Australia mate!
#2 - JTbo
As that waste radiates and radiation is energy, why nobody is not inventing methods of using that energy?

Yeah, silly idea indeed...

But it is silly also to dump it to someplace, imo.
Sure. We all need radioactive Kooala bears and Kangaroos.


Why don't they just put the waste on an MTV satelite and send that into deep space? Theres enough room in the galaxy for some waste in space right? lol..
#4 - JTbo
Quote from GruntOfAction :Sure. We all need radioactive Kooala bears and Kangaroos.


Why don't they just put the waste on an MTV satelite and send that into deep space? Theres enough room in the galaxy for some waste in space right? lol..

Maybe small gray men with big eyes has told them not to do that or else...
I heard Hankstar has a pretty spacious garage.
#6 - Jakg
Quote from GruntOfAction :Why don't they just put the waste on an MTV satelite and send that into deep space? Theres enough room in the galaxy for some waste in space right? lol..

Because it costs a LOT to send something into orbit, and even more to send it further out and escape Earths gravitational pull, which compared to "other" means of... getting rid of it makes it ludicrously expensive.
Kevin, we moved into a terrace house a year back actually The old shed used to get flooded during big rains though - would cause an eco-disaster with all that radioactive crap in there. The flooding made it an odd choice for a band rehearsal room, come to think of it ...

Anyway, why the **** would anyone want to store nuke-waste in Australia? This is the last country in the world where you'd want the native animals to mutate and get even bigger & nastier. A bit of foresight please, people ...
Quote from Hankstar :Anyway, why the **** would anyone want to store nuke-waste in Australia? This is the last country in the world where you'd want the native animals to mutate and get even bigger & nastier. A bit of foresight please, people ...

OMG dude you have just hit upon the nucleus (pun not initially intended, but clearly could've been easily avoided - guilty as charged m'lud) for our first screenplay. Get your clacky typewriter out and I'll get the cigars and Laurent-Perrier for when you're finished.

Edit: "King Kang"?
#9 - JTbo
Quote from Hankstar :Kevin, we moved into a terrace house a year back actually The old shed used to get flooded during big rains though - would cause an eco-disaster with all that radioactive crap in there. The flooding made it an odd choice for a band rehearsal room, come to think of it ...

Anyway, why the **** would anyone want to store nuke-waste in Australia? This is the last country in the world where you'd want the native animals to mutate and get even bigger & nastier. A bit of foresight please, people ...

I believe they do think that it is far away, not our problem then, but they do might think twice of it when they see koalas that can fly and suck blood with it's 5m long radioactive tongue invading whole world
Quote from Hankstar :Anyway, why the **** would anyone want to store nuke-waste in Australia?

Why not, England got rid of our convicts the same way.

Personally they should just dump it all in the southern states of America, no one important lives there, and hell, I'm sure the radiation will increase depth of the gen pool.
No filthy pikey convict blood where I grew up mate - South Australia was all free-settled by German Lutheran reffos and Cornish blokes looking for holes to dig. Of course, now I'm in Melbourne where it's rife with gang wars, street shootings and cute little boutiques around every corner.

Quote from thisnameistaken :OMG dude you have just hit upon the nucleus (pun not initially intended, but clearly could've been easily avoided - guilty as charged m'lud) for our first screenplay. Get your clacky typewriter out and I'll get the cigars and Laurent-Perrier for when you're finished.

OK, first treatment:

Big evil US corporation dumps nasty shit in the outback, nasty deadly animal gets even nastier and more deadlier and biggerer, havoc ensues, reluctant hero (in the mould of John McClane, greasy wife-beater shirt and all) saves the day and makes a huge anti-nuke statement by force-feeding glowing ooze to Dubya, who declares "this is better than coke" and proceeds to dispose of it all via his left nostril.

Now, the business end: can you imagine a fifty-foot cyber-wombat that shoots frickin laser beams out of its eyes fighting with a fruit-bat the size of a B-52 that farts cyanide gas - all on top of Uluru? Yes, you can. And it's FREAKIN AWESOME!!!

Now make with the booze and stogies, chop chop.
Imagine an Australian super hero, it just wouldn't work!
#13 - JTbo
Quote from ATC Quicksilver :Imagine an Australian super hero, it just wouldn't work!

Superhero can't fight barefoot? Why? Wouldn't that be nice secret weapon of sock smell
Quote from Jakg :Because it costs a LOT to send something into orbit, and even more to send it further out and escape Earths gravitational pull, which compared to "other" means of... getting rid of it makes it ludicrously expensive.

Actually no... They can't do that because of the nuclear non-proliferation treaty thingee.... and yeah, even if it was legal, it would be "ludicrously expensive"
It would be nice if they could figure out a way to re harvest that stuff. but
it's very dirty. meaning it's highly unstable radioactive wise, uhhh like the way it's shoots off isotopes is very irregular and not much good for anything.
Now when I worked in the environmental field, we DID take some waste and used it to irradiate gold and iodine pellets used to treat thyroid cancer and some other cancer medicines.

TBH, waste dump sites, especially nuclear, are going to be a cash cow option for rural areas in the near future. and with up and coming nuke powers like Pakistan and India and possibly Iran, they're going to need places to put their crap when they're through with it like everyone else.
And a local municipality, that's strapped for cash (not enough tax base or something) could make up for it's losses - if it's willing to write off about 2 square miles of land. Actually if you just HAD to have a toxic waste dump,
nuclear would be the way to go. There are so many safeguards in place with that crap. it's ratings and descriptions are universally the same anywhere. and the way that it is "buried", you're more likely to die from some viral infection spread from a regular trash dump than a getting anything nuclear site. but once you dedicate that land for nukes, it's pretty much useless for anything else for the next few thousand years or so.
I can see why Australia would be so attractive. but would it be 350 years from now in the same locations?
You know, the funny thing about nuclear waste is that it isn't the militaries
or even governments of the world that are the worst generators. Private industry makes the most and nastiest stuff out there.
Quote from ATC Quicksilver :Imagine an Australian super hero, it just wouldn't work!

Exactly right! We don't need super powers like some other nancies do Look at Mad Max - nothing but sick driving skills, a nitro-burning V8 Falcon and massive anger issues. Like most Aussie drivers.
Yeh but lets face it, its bound to be someone bitten by a radioactive beer rather than a radioactive spider.

Ooh, radioactive beer Then I could change it to a "heavily drunk super-mutant zombie" flick like Shaun Of The Dead - but even funnier!

Title: 28 Tinnies Later
#18 - JTbo
Quote from Hankstar :Exactly right! We don't need super powers like some other nancies do Look at Mad Max - nothing but sick driving skills, a nitro-burning V8 Falcon and massive anger issues. Like most Aussie drivers.

Yeah, it is not roo bars it is more like 'roo bars' meant to hunt that other guy, get yours today

It is damn rare care that Falcon XB GT used in MadMax and they did destroy one + almost another.
Mad Max's Interceptor is worshipped as a god in this country. And rightly so.
I've never seen Mad Max. Didn't it have that Scottish bloke in it? Y'know, blue face, talks a lot of shit about how he sacked York when he never did? Name escapes me. Hairy bloke. Dead. Y'know?
Nah. Had that drunk American dude in it - y'know, he did that movie about an 18th century patriot who went around stabbing English soldiers with flagpoles. Utter shit.

Haven't seen Mad Max? Turn in your thread-jacker badge!
#22 - JTbo
Quote from thisnameistaken :I've never seen Mad Max. Didn't it have that Scottish bloke in it? Y'know, blue face, talks a lot of shit about how he sacked York when he never did? Name escapes me. Hairy bloke. Dead. Y'know?

There is 3 of mad max movies, 1 being best (well story of that is best) but not so well done as others, 2 is perhaps best for most and 3 is best for those who never saw 1 or 2 as they too young to see 1 and never were interested from 2

Must to watch if post apocalyptic world theme is even remotely interesting.
Quote from Hankstar :Nah. Had that drunk American dude in it - y'know, he did that movie about an 18th century patriot who went around stabbing English soldiers with flagpoles. Utter shit.

Oh yeah. Doesn't he hate Jews? And Jesus? He doesn't like anybody does he? He'll be painting his face blue and claiming that he invaded Israel next.

Bite me. I was jacking threads before Mad Max enjoyed postmodern ironic popularity.
#24 - JTbo
Quote from thisnameistaken :Oh yeah. Doesn't he hate Jews? And Jesus? He doesn't like anybody does he? He'll be painting his face blue and claiming that he invaded Israel next.

Bite me. I was jacking threads before Mad Max enjoyed postmodern ironic popularity.

Do you think that is bad? Imagine if those nuclear wastes are put to Australia and madmax gets radiation, then he is really bad, addition to killing without asking etc. he would also be rather unpolite after that and you certainly don't want that to happen
Quote from thisnameistaken :Oh yeah. Doesn't he hate Jews? And Jesus? He doesn't like anybody does he? He'll be painting his face blue and claiming that he invaded Israel next.

Bite me. I was jacking threads before Mad Max enjoyed postmodern ironic popularity.

He doesn't like South Africans, that's for sure. When he had a mullet in the 80s he & that guy from Predator 2 wasted a bunch of 'em.

There's nothing ironic or "retro" about my love for Max, I'm actually old enough to remember it first hand...just =] BTW, I was jacking threads on usenet in 1980 =D