Anyone that disagree that it is the human`s fault that the global warming is this bad, is stupid. Yea, it`s harsh to say that, but if you don`t belive that we are destroying our plannet by the way we live, then you are just as stupid as Bush.
Of course, people can say that the globe goes from ice ages to warm periods, over 10 000 or millions of years, I don`t have any problem with that. But problem is that it has speeded up, and by a HUGE amount. The normal cycle between ice ages and such gets completely screwed because we heaten up the globe with the way we living, and the temperature is increasin much faster than it should.
I readed somewhere that at the moment the natural changes in the temperature is going almost 100 times faster than it should do, thanks for global warming. Just by some years the overal temperature on this planet has increased by some celius, and thats insane!
If it continue, the poles will melt, the ocean will rise a lot, and since the pole`s are gone, there will be much warmer on this plannet because all the snow areas on the poles works as sun reflection areas, that cools down the globe.
Well, we probally are going be dead before the retards in US governement agrees that there is a problem.
Well this is not right too, because out from the size, my country, Norway has the biggest Co2 polution amount in Europe >.<
And the government here said they would go for a better focus on nature and such, but has anything happend?
And the same trend is all over the world, I really hate you all humans.
But then again, I hate myself for not doing anything to help. But what can I do? Sure, I don`t have car so I`ll walk or take the bus or any other mass-transports, but I feel so useless alone. Even if a whole country had stoped completely to polute the globe, there still would be over 100 other lands that really woul`dn`t give a shit.
(No offence to any of you people, I just get worked up and get a little nasty and angry when we talk about this subject)