As if anyone's going to be sitting here posting on Christmas Day - ok, maybe if they're completely sad or unfortunate. Or even bored of sitting around talking to rellies when they could be racing with the new wheel Santa gave them..
I'm going up the river to drink loads of beer and eat cold roast turkey in the 30+ degree heat so I'm getting in early.
Happy Chrissy/Channukah/Festivus wishes to anyone who wants them. May your Festivus Pole be shiny and may the feats of strength end in tears. May your greivances get the airing they deserve.
May your servers be free of wreckers, yet full of people who know the difference between blocking and protecting their line. May the driver honking at you to let him pass remember that he can't possibly be lapping someone on the first lap
And all you closet (or out and proud) GPL'ers, keep watching the RSC forums for the GPL 1969 release