And I don`t quite understand it, even when I try to read what people have answered I don`t got it what this topic is about. Maybe it`s just me that is brain-damaged then?
Lol. I can't tell if you're being sarcastic. If you are, . If you're not, i think he has some kind of common disease that isn't harmful just associates different things with different sense. So if he ate an apple he would see the color red. Something like that.
I`m not sarcastic, lol I did really not understand it :s
But ok, it`s a disease, that gets you to associate differnt things with different sense? I think I understand...still very strange :S
Jimi Hendrix had synesthesia. Which is why a) he was a brilliant artist and b) if you think listen to certain songs, you can "hear" the colors he was translating.
Yeah, different sensory inputs get mixed up somehow. To some people, certain words or sounds they hear have a specific taste, to others, some words or numbers they read are always associated with a color, and so on.
Saying some specific words to my wife give her the impression that she's eating something very acid, for example. Very handy to get her to make funny faces!
And I don't think it can be called a decease, really, because AFAIK synesthesia doesn't evolve with time like deceases do.
I know it's a decease, but I think it isn't a disaster to have it.
I don't know how you think about that though...
It's just that if I had it, I wouldn't find that a decease, but an extra sense. (maybe.)
Oh we do. And we've demonstrated that in this thread. But being American you won't spot British Humour (tm) until it's pointed out to you. And even then you'd think it was a red.
You could think that again if you had only 10 different things you could eat, others taste same as puke also result of trying to eat something else causes puke.
Yeah, I suppose you can always find extreme cases. But considering (according to what I read) that many people have this condition for decades without even noticing it implies that in that many cases it's not a big handicap.
And in the case of my wife (the only one I can talk about first hand), the effect is very brief. When I said that it gives her the impression to eat something acid it was probably inappropriate, because when you eat the taste stays in your mouth for long. In her case, it's just a very brief feeling that goes away immediately.