The online racing simulator
wheel Shift of Gear Shift and Clutch
Hi i was just woundering do some people use the gear shift or the wheel Shift if it has it on it? and do some people use auto clutch i dont use but i aways go of becuz i have to change gear or i put the clutch down but i lift it to fast and i kinda miss the gear and make it grr. abit when i change gear this is mosty at corners ....

maybe some of u can give me tips how to keep on track while doing cluch and breaking and gear shifting

sorry my punch is very bad
Thax Austin
it called real life driving license....

but after all even that didnt help most of the ppl you can see out on the roads =)

(ans7812) DELETED by XCNuse : spam posts
(wheel4hummer) DELETED by XCNuse : spam posts
(Moonchild LT) DELETED by XCNuse : spam posts
Ans, W4H, and Moonchild, your posts were deleted for a most basic reason; we don't need that here, if you have something to post, make it helpful.
#6 - Lible
Sorry about offtopic, but what does "My punch is bad" mean?
Quote from XCNuse :Ans, W4H, and Moonchild, your posts were deleted for a most basic reason; we don't need that here, if you have something to post, make it helpful.

Although many of my posts are idiotic, i actually had no idea wtf he was talking about and was curious. I still have no idea what he is talking about and would like to know.
All you have to do is ask for more details or explain more thoroughly, you don't need to bash him by saying "wtf is this about."
Ok ill try my best i am shocking at english even thought am soo i really bad at explaning things say u have a streeing wheel with shift buttons on it or and single shifter depends but you can use the wheel shifter on any car if u set it right.
And do some people use auto clutch so all they have to do is move the shifter. I do it how u would in a real car but it kinda hard when u have to do 4 things at a time like break, clutch, change gear and steer around corners and i lose it around them kinda fast that why i wounder do some people use other stuff like i said like auto gear or auto clutch

Could u give me tips how i can get and keep speed to as in aston nation i can only get 1.52 in time and i seen people getting 1.41 soo i cant really join in becuz ill just make a mess

lol sorry it was soo long hope this helps more

thanx Austin
Quote from Austin31287 :Could u give me tips how i can get and keep speed to as in aston nation i can only get 1.52 in time and i seen people getting 1.41 soo i cant really join in becuz ill just make a mess

Post a replay of your driving then we can help you better. It's kind of hard to give you advice when we don't know what you are doing wrong.
And could you make a little bit more effort with your posts in future please? It's OK saying that your English isn't very good, but most of your problems are from not correcting your typing mistakes and not forming proper words ("u" is not a word) or sentences.

Read through your posts before submitting them and make corrections where necessary, and you'll be understood a lot easier.
Ok i understand now. I think that all it's really going to take is practice. Theres a thread that someone posted already containing the "clutch or no clutch" debate. Some people use it, some people don't. It's really a matter of opinion. Some people say they are faster with the clutch, others don't. I say all you have to do is practice the coordination and you should be pulling out them low 1.40s. Consistency is the key.
In the road cars, you can go faster using the clutch (you can shift faster) but because you have more work to do in the cockpit it's harder to be consistent, and sometimes you might miss shifts or cock up braking for a corner or whatever, and end up slower. The more you practice though, the faster you should be using a clutch pedal. Unless the circuit is especially complicated.

In the GTRs and single-seaters, it's quicker to use auto-clutch because they shift really fast - you don't get the benefit of quicker shifts using the clutch pedal. Personally I still use a clutch pedal in the GTRs, but not in the single-seaters. Mostly because they can bang down the gears so fast while braking that it's impossible to heel-toe every downshift.
Could u check my replay over plz
Quote from Austin31287 :Could u check my replay over plz

Nah. Not until you can be bothered to type "Could you check my replay over please".
Judging from your replay, use paddle shifter for gtr cars. You are shifting wayyy too slow, clutch is in too much. When downshifting, get it in gear and get the clutch out, you don't wanna be dilly dallying with the clutch in trying to corner your already narrow turns. THe reason why your rear wheels lock is because you let the revs drop by keeping the clutch in. you wanna break, clutch in, do a little heal toe/double clutch, drop it down the gears until you are in the one you want to be during the EXIT. turn in,hit the apex, already be accelerating, start shifting up. But yea, your shifts are way to slow anyway. Other than that, look for a wider line through turns, go to the outside edge and turn in from there. You want BIG radius turns. After that, do it as many times as you can until your fingers or feet fall off. Then you'll have it down.
How can use paddle shift and how you mean downshift like from 5 to 2 or do i have to go 5 4 3 2 in down shift. I know i keep clutch on to mucth soo more break less clutch

I had a look at your replay Austin . i have a short list of things to look out for you in your driving when your racing.

First thing i think you should try is lapping maybe 10-20 or so , so you get a good feel for the car and get used to tyre wear a bit more.

Entry into t1 is a little slow and you are re-correcting the line to much as result.
On the slower conrers you are not wide enough , learn to use wider lines and gently ease power as you come out into exit of apex.
The fast areas arent so bad , but the final corners and chicane you really need to attack those and learn to use the kerbs to your advantage.

And remeber practise practise and more practise (althoguh too much can have negative affect eg learn bad lines, make same mistakes etc)

And like I've mentioned before, take some more time when posting in the forums and maybe oneday kev will enlighten you, as only he can
lol if all my post come out the same it aint going to change ^^could it be my setup i get so slow up straight
The setup has only a little to do with it. You shift early to begin with, wait for the red light to come on and then shift. Also, the time you waste with the clutch in results in the turbo losing all of its momentum. (is the correct term torque?)
I just did this at T1 i get up to gear 6 then i move it to 4 soo when i get to corner i can press clutch once then change is that what you mean

I am Noob Starting with the faster cars ^^Austin
you wanna break a little, clutch in, blip throttle, put it in 5th, still on the breaks, clutch in again, blip throttle, put it in 4th, off the clutch, off the breaks as your turn in, and start accelerating
So ur saying i do it all to late and i should do it earlyer
So i need to do it more eler than later and do what you said i think i just did it and i had more speed after turn i think ^^

didnt think over post came up ^^