I tried nKPro's demo and the only feeling i got from it was that it was the best driving experience i had ever had. I bought it immediately.
15 months down the line I still feel the same way, I still have the best racing I've ever had, and still think the driving feel of the single seater's in LFS is completely dead in comparison, which is saying something as i love LFS to bits.
EVERY person i know that raced netKar pro then moved to LFS say the same thing...they cant feel what's going on in LFS. (or any other sims for that matter) NetKar ruined other sims for many of us.
As much as i love LFS (it does so many things so well, and nothing beats it for the sheer amount of racing to be had) it will always be second best for me.
I really hope the new demo is going to convince a few people as to what a great sim it really is, but i fear the damage is done(and rightfully so, the dev is a good programmer but the worst business man/PR man in the Sim industry). No skin off my back though, I'll continue to enjoy great racing in great feeling cars with some great drivers and not an idiot in sight on the track.(no gags about not seeing anyone on track pls :razz