The online racing simulator
Test Run August 4th
There will be a Test Run this weekend of how LFS Lapper will work ect
to ensure everything goes to plan for Round 1.

Date: August 4th Saturday
Time: 21UTC

Servers: Battle Of The Teams #1
Battle Of The Teams #2
backup server: Battle Of The Teams #3

Qualifying results:

Password: ask your team manager

All Team drivers are welcome. It will run just like each round will be without the actual racing so it will go for roughly 30mins

please post here if you will be coming along
So, we'll only do qualify to see how the tracker works.. ok.. but couldn't we do like a 15/20 lap race just to get things started??

Quote :All Team drivers are welcome.

We can bring every team member? How can 2 servers handle it??

Btw, i'll much probably be there
dba|John Borgbjerg and dba|Esben Jahn is ready to test..
i'll try and join in with this, however its awfully short notice to get any sort of numbers to attend, but i guess if all you need is a test run for the tracker it doesnt matter too much how it goes.
If im here then i'll pester a couple of others to pop in for a bit too.

Any news of what car/track combo? I might need to practice to be within 2-5sec of 2nd to last place
Not enough notice for me, hopefully someone from our team can make it though........
As manager of SPEED CORE racing team,i´m writing this post because i don´t have received any password!
Can you send again or send to another member of the team!


I will try to bring a few drivers along.
passwords been sent
I'll be there and I'll try to drag a few of the boys along, but most of them are obsessed with CTRA at the moment (as am I )
Will be there and ready to test. We are short on team members because, you know, it is a summer hollyday.
If I'm home I'll be there.
I'll be there too
I'll try to be there too..
don't know about other member of speed core though
Some of the Orange Racing Team guys will also be there...

See yaaa....
Team XFR:

*) might not come
The #2 server is playing silly buggers with the tracker.
If it doesnt work #3 will be used instead

Hope to see you all there
Just noticed this, Notice is a bit short but I should be there, Unknown currently on any other DR driver making it though.
after server switch - wrong pw... why?
suddenly it worked. But what a waste of time waiting to test all evening, the race is full, so no one needed the test help.....
I would Just like to say thankyou to everyone that turned up .
On such short notice.

We had a few problems but thats what these test runs are all about.
There seems to be a bug with the LFS Tracker, not recording all the lap times.

A 2nd Test Run will be organised shortly,
I think my laptime was 1337 - it takes skillz to finish a hotlap not only astonishingly slow, but to land on 60mins exactly too.