The online racing simulator
Allowed car list
(5 posts, started )
Allowed car list
Well its not really a MAJOR problem, but its a problem none the less.

Okay, I'll try and explain this the best that I can, with stages

- Server loaded with the following cars: XFG+XRG
- Race end, people ask for a GTR race
- Admin types /end
- Admin types /cars XFR+FXR+FZR
- Half of the people changes to a GTR (half stay in XFG or XRG)
- People join
- People ready up
- Race starts
- Half of the racers are in GTR and the other half are still in the XFG/XRG and ALLOWED to race.

Unless there's a command that I need to run, that I'm not, then I think this is a bug that needs fixing.

For the LTC race server, it spec's anybody that is not in the cars that its set to use (on rotation and such), maybe LFS should check to see if the car can be used when they click "join"?
yeah its been like that for a long time, maybe scawen needs to implement some system that forces the player into the car selection screen once the cars are changed by the admin.
I think if you empty the racer list (the start grid) in the entry screen and then try to enter with a wrong car it forces you to choose a correct type. So after you have typed that /car command, type /clear (iirc), to clear the list.
ah, okay thanks.

The only reason why this was an issue for me, is because im doing map/car rotation to make a little bit more fun *nods*

Although, I still think that this seriously needs to be looked at, and fixed!
Yep. I made a prog which auto-rotates combos and I missed that thing too. I put the list clearing only after somebody mensioned it to me. So you are not the only one

Allowed car list
(5 posts, started )